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Kill Them!



I am begging of you, every time you see a mosquito, at least TRY to kill it!! they are driving me mad!! As of Today, I have 1 Mosquito bite on each foot, three on one leg, five on the other, a Mosquito bite on my stomach (I have no clue how that happened) 4 on one arm, 2 on the other, and one on my back.




I'm off to finish sewing now.




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I suggest not going to Brazil. 16 in one day.


A year ago, I practially dedicated my life into killing them, so you don't need to convert me...



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I must admit, when I lived in Europe it was much worse, because alot of the houses/apartments don't have Window screens, so in the Summer when it got hot, you'd get TONS. I remember when I was a kid, people would ask me if I had the chicken pocks I had so many mosquito bites. Ugh!


Actually, when I lived in the South (Born & raised there, I'm a southern girl) I never got bit very much. In the North, in the Country, in the woods & swamps it's much, much worse.




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haha, it's funny when I take achievement tests (Those things are so dumb...) Every year (Since 6th grade anyways...) they've had the same story in there for one of the Reading Comprehension parts, it's called "Pesky Summer bugs" and it's all about mosquitos. It talks about how "amazing they are". Yup.



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Andy, that's because you live in Canada >>



One more reason why Canada owns.

Except my friend has about 14 bites on his legs.

So I guess I just own.


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You are living in the Northwest(or East, I always forget), huh? There's been a bat problem(google it) that has caused mosquitoes(and all other pests) to increase violently in population. Trust me, I have AT LEAST 25 bites on each limb, probably because I live in New York, where the bats are dying. (Seriously, google it).



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