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Swamp Of Secrets

Wrinkledlion X


I just read Swamp of Secrets and it was great.

The Toa were all perfectly in character (Onua's running joke of showing up to save people at the last minute continues unbated) and the new Makuta were very cool. I particularly enjoyed Krika, A.K.A. "Clover."


The Bohrok cameo was also very interesting. I never would have imagined that they were created the way they are... It's very unsettling and fitting. (I'll give you a little hint that's a quote from the first Comic 8, bolded for emphasis: "You dared oppose your brothers! Therefore you must fall! Mata Nui will be cleansed!")


Also, had this been a movie, there are a few parts where I would've most likely cheered and such. (Like when Onua picks up a friggin' Makuta and slams it into the ground with his super-strength.)


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How can you have the book and I don't!!??


Seriously, where did you get it and when / where can I steal it from you. :P



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Can you please post at least the first digit of the code? ALL I NEED IS THE FIRST DIGIT FOR AWESOME THINGS!

that was crazy, but i just want the first digit, so if i get the book i only need to look at the last digits




P.S. I love your epics, they rule!

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