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ToM Dracone


(I was going to title this "Narona and the ... well, it's not quite a Little Pony," but then I realized I had built my Maha's head completely wrong and became too embarrassed to even post it. That will have to come tomorrow. Which is just as well, because there's a Matoran who goes with it who needs a name.


Clearly, being a pretty pegasus is affecting my brain.)




Anyway, the Ga-Matoran I asked for a name for a couple entries now has one. She is Narona, based on something suggested by GreenBioGuy (Naerora), so thanks to him for that...




Next, there is Rukàu, that solid-black Pakari-clad Tohunga from the MNOLG whose name I recently came up with. I'm not quite sure about it, though... he's a miner.




And finally Wapiaka, a Po-Koro Koli player. He looks a lot like Hano and only shows up after the Nui-Jaga is defeated, which I guess means he was one of the victims of the Madness – which isn't that surprising for a Koli player... His name I'm also not quite certain about yet.




Two last questions: one, how convincing does Lumi look there? And two, what's a good name for the Husi herder from the MNOLG? He looks like Huki except that he has black feet instead of dark orange. And I need a Husi.


Goodness, these wings are small. *flutters around getting used to them*

~ Paradise


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Oh! So you used my suggestion? (tweaked of course) You are welcome, and I am quite honored! ^_^ I do like the names of the others, as well as the looks. The only thing that I don't like is the fact that the Onu-matoran's name is a bit long.



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Pegasai, Pegasai!

I do like the matoran pictures. I think it would be pretty impressive if you managed to build some other stuff, like tools, rahi, etc. and set up tiny dioramas.


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My goodness, actual scenery! Pretty sweet.


As for the mysterious Husi herder from MNOG, I'd say he sounds like a Dekami.

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GreenBioGuy ~ ^_^ Though, do you mean the Po-Matoran, Wapiaka? His name's not that long – no more syllables than Takanuva or Aiyetoro or Tiribomba or Toromaga...


Neku ~ I might do that eventually, namely once I get the right masks to make a few Ta-Matoran...


Dorek ~ That is a wonderful name. It really fits him perfectly. As such, many thanks for it...


Munkiman ~ Nah. Sounds distinctly un-Maori.


Also, no one's answered my second question.

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Anytime, I'm glad to help ^_^.


Is Lumi the Ko-Matoran? If so, I dunno. Seems too jungle-ish for a Ko-Matoran to be there.

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I meant the fact that I edited his mask and feet to light grey. Since no one seems to have realized that, I'll take it as confirmation that I did well. :P


(The "here" meant as in "in this pic here"... 'cause there weren't very many Ko-Wahi-like spots in summer last year...)

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