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If You Were To Rate Me...



... according to MoCing level, what would you say if I asked you to rate me from 1 - 5? I would have to say... 3.5.


BTW, I believe that I have decided upon the rules for the blog contest, and the starter blog entry should be up earlier on in the week! :)




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I guess the amazing Lego pros and such get the 5, and many amazing, recognized MOCists get between a 4 and 5, and then everyone else I don't know about except that they're good MOCists get above 3 but below 4. Then there are the people nobody knows about that are bad. They don't count.


I guess you'd be a high 3.



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A solid 3.


You need to experiment with some system. I don't care if it's 'not your style'. Can't get too much higher without trying new things.

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I guess the amazing Lego pros and such get the 5, and many amazing, recognized MOCists get between a 4 and 5, and then everyone else I don't know about except that they're good MOCists get above 3 but below 4. Then there are the people nobody knows about that are bad. They don't count.


I guess you'd be a high 3.



Thanks! And good points there. You categorized everyone well. :)


A solid 3.


You need to experiment with some system. I don't care if it's 'not your style'. Can't get too much higher without trying new things.

At least I'm not a two! ^_^


But yes, you are indeed correct. I need to. The only thing is, I have not had much experience with it at all. Now, I will say that I have become open to using system (it used to be that I thought that it would only be right to use Bionicle and technic) that has changed alot. I would love to try new things, it's just that I need to observe others who use it more (like yourself).


You see, the way that I learn is by observing others. Prior to my coming to BZPower, I would build more chunky MoCs (take a look at Spinner), but then I saw how to use smaller pieces and make more compact MoCs (Mullatem was a significant stride for me building wise). ToM Dracone played a very significant role in this. It used to be that I would build most of my MoCs with the same form, but now I am branching out and trying new things (I am currently working on a beastly MoC for Bone's blog contest).


So DV, I would love to learn to do fusion, but I need some tips. Could you hand me a few? I shall PM you in a day or two if you don't respond here, you may not check back to see other people's responses in blogs... But thanks again! :D


I'd say a 3 or a 3.5. You've got room to grow.



Indeed I do. See above.



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