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Sunny With A Low Of 75



Yeah, the high today was about 97, made it feel like 100, and I had to mow a lawn for 3 hours....


But that's not why I'm here right now. I wish I could tell you that all I was worrying about today was when I'd finish the lawn so I could get into some air conditioning. Instead, allow me to put my thoughts and worries into text to help me and maybe you can help me.


Like Bunda (you should read his blog if you don't), I haven't been my usual optimistic, random, fun self lately. In fact, I even told myself I'm depressed, so I guess that's it. I don't usually feel this way for long.


To start, it goes into me missing my friends from school, because now it's summer and we're going to college. You know about Heather, but I've accepted that staying friends will be alright. Also, I think it goes deeper into my thoughts that I don't want to leave any of my friends. Some friends I won't see for a while, and that makes me sad. Don't say I can just "hang out in groups," because I'm not a group kind of guy and I don't know how to gather my friends to do who-knows-what. I don't exactly go out with a group of friends every Friday night or whatever. Interesting idea though. So I'm sad that I won't see them again for a long time, until the August yearbook signing, and then who-knows-when? Well, some close friends I'll see at some anime cons, (if I get to them, more on that), others maybe not. And I don't want to hear that I'll make new friends in college; I just can't let go of my current friends that easily, that'd be cruel, and it's not like I'll make any close friends the first day of school either. One friend said I should join F******* to keep in touch. Not a bad idea, maybe I'll do that eventually.


Also what's worrying me is a summer job. I filled out some applications one to two months ago to some stores. Barnes and Noble "don't hire for the summer" and REI doesn't want me I guess because they've already contacted those they do want. (I've called the stores and talked with managers.) I also called Borders, but they said they would have called me already, but would look into my application again. (My guess is the test I took online told them I'm an introvert who doesn't like being around people. Not entirely true; I'll do my job and put on a smile from 9-5 if they want me to.) So about two weeks ago I applied to a few other stores I know and don't hate, like Michael's Crafts and ACMoore. Not that I ever shop there, but my mom does so I'm comfortable there. Michael's called and had me go in to take a personality test not unlike Borders', but at least this asked about my views on the workplace as well and I think I came out with honest employee markings. But sheesh, can't they just interview me to see that I'm a great kid who needs money for college? I also applied to Target a few weeks ago; I should call them and see if they want me, because I want to work for them. (Lego discount!) Speaking of Lego, don't suggest I go work at one of the two local Lego stores, the commute wouldn't be good so I didn't try. Plus, I would have had to turn in an application months ago. It'd be fine for a winter job, but not a whole summer. So now I turn to places like Staples and Best Buy. Both say go online to fill out applications. The guy at Office Depot said no, and that most retail places don't do just summer stuff anymore. (OK, so what do the poor college kids to when they get off school? Personally, I need money for books and a laptop, and right now I'll be lucky to be able to afford books.) The Staples website once again has a personality test. Ung. I also heard Panera needed work, so I talked to the manager who told me to go online (ung). But I don't think I want to work there after all, because the position would be from 11-3 every day. I first thought I'd be giving people their food, like what happens at La Madeline (I compare the two), but then I remembered that at my only trip to a Panera they don't do that. But do I want to be preparing sandwiches? I doubt it. La Madeline is out of the question, as I no longer speak French. (Not that it would help if I could, with the little I did know.) I'd love to work at Borders, but that seems moot. I should call Target, that wouldn't be a bad place to work. I also submitted a resume for an internship at the Arlington Catholic Herald, because I know the editor and my mom works on the same floor (for my Diocese), so I had connections. I've even gotten a tour of the newsroom. Then I called him later and he said they didn't want interns this year. Darn.


So my worries are where can I get a job? Why aren't people hiring? What will I do next year??? How can I buy books for college? (By now I'm preparing plans on how I'll write term papers in college, like the computer rooms, or mooching off friend's laptops. My friend might give me his old one if he gets a new one. All I really need is word processing, but it would be really nice to get online, y'know?) I need at least $1500 for books and a laptop, if I get books cheap and a cheap laptop. I know books can get expensive, but Omi said he got his once for under $200, so I'll look around. And I want a good laptop, something I can play music on and surf the web and (finally) play Portal and SW: Battlefront 2 and maybe snag a copy of American McGee's: Alice.


Yeah, there's my problems right now. Keeping (close) friends and getting a decent summer job so I can use the money for stuff I need. And for stuff I don't "need," like some sweet new Lego and my anime cons. At this rate it doesn't look like I'll be getting Takanuva or Bridge Walker Vs. White Lightening, much less The Wizard impulse set. And maybe I won't be able to get to Anime USA in October (in which case I won't see some friends).


*big sigh*


Thanks for reading all of that. Serious replies please? Prayers for my job? Ideas of where I could apply?


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: On average people fear spiders more than they do death.


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"Now I'm sunny with a high of seventy-five, since you took my heavy heart an made it light, and it's funny how you find you enjoy your life when your happy to be alive."


Got a screenname? I need to talk with you.

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"Now I'm sunny with a high of seventy-five, since you took my heavy heart an made it light, and it's funny how you find you enjoy your life when your happy to be alive."


Got a screenname? I need to talk with you.

I just realized how appropriate my alt'd title was.


And thanks for the lyrics.


PMing you...





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I was going to say you can solve your friend problem by signing onto appropriate social sites where you can e-mail each other and stuff, but if you don't have a laptop then...


Are your parents not offering to help pay for stuff? Mine helped pay for most of my computerized stuff... it may show that I'm not exactly self-dependent yet, but it does give me incentive to get good grades or they'll stop. As for jobs... well, my experience at B&N was that they want people with lots of experience, and BSA doesn't count in terms of sales experience. I'm going to be entering that rough time of summer job searching in a week, because I'm still in school. Sounds like most of my other friends who got out a month ago are gobbling up the jobs back home, so I may be in your position too.


And for books... don't go to the campus bookstore a few days before classes start. Even if they do have used books, they're just as expensive. Try searching online... there are some good websites that should help, although I haven't used many yet. Unless you get the lame-o professors who force you to buy their new class-specific book at full price... :glare:


Good luck with your summer. Stay bright too... I saw the sun briefly yesterday between rain showers...



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Try an internship at a radio station. They have a bunch of jobs there believe it or not. Marketing I know they'll have, and unless you want to be a Radio Personality, you can have an internship in that.


Just do all that online stuff. Its a pain, but do it anyways.


Have you tried a movie theater? They hire for the summer, and Lord knows they need it with the future movies and school being out.


And yes, get F*******.



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I have pretty much the same problems as you. School automatically groups everyone together and I love it, but now I dislike how it is ending. << Maybe we'll just have to break through our shells?


Also join F*******, I did and it definitely has broken a bit through my shell. Communication is soooo much easier and all the apps and stuff are fun. ^_^ Prepared to get addicted to it though. :P


What I am talking about isn't blocked though so I don't know if we are talking about the same thing... =/



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I was in this same position last year (with the friends thing, at least) because mostly all of my friends were in the graduating class and I was only a Junior. Going to class without most of them was a bit strange at first, but I got used to it after a while. I still saw most of them every Wednesday and Sunday, so it wasn't as bad. Just be thankful you do have friends. And when you do get to see them, it will be that much better and you'll have loads to talk about.

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When you get a F*******, I want your friending :P


Also, like Archy Said up there, theater. I'm gonna get that job when I turn 16 (Stupid labor laws), if you can find the old entry in my blog about the money I need it should say all the benefits I'm looking forward to when I get a job there.


And if it comes down to it (And I hope it doesn't) I imagine you could get a few good friends on here (Me included, if you wanna call me a friend :P) to pitch in some cash. But like I said, hope you can solve it out so it doesn't come down to that.

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@xccj, my parents are paying for college, so they pretty much said I have to buy my books. I thought I was getting a laptop for graduation, but then my dad said I'd have to buy that too. But I still haven't received grad presents yet, so you never know. But on the bright side, I get to choose what kind of laptop I want, the features and all, instead of hoping my parents choose the right one.


@AA, thanks, I might try a movie theater. Good idea. (And then I can see some movies for free too!) I don't know about the radio though....


@That Green Gentleman, I'm not going to ask you all for money, but thanks. At the least I'll be able to get my books myself, but no way will my friends be able to buy me a laptop, and how would I be able to pay you back? (Fun thought though, glad you care.)


Thanks everybody!



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A movie theater would be a great place to work. Though I can't really think of anything else that hasn't already been mentioned.


You should get a you-know-what account. I have one, and find it to be a lot nicer than the alternative.

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My suggestion is that you work at TARGET if you can. It's a good store, and it seems like you would like working there. Best Buy is also another good option, if you can work there.


Some friends I won't see for a while, and that makes me sad. Don't say I can just "hang out in groups," because I'm not a group kind of guy and I don't know how to gather my friends to do who-knows-what. I don't exactly go out with a group of friends every Friday night or whatever.


That's me right there.

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