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Actual content? :o


Ever noticed how putting thoughtful and reflective content into your entry is basically reply suicide? :P (Although ToM seems to get away with it all the time, I wonder how he does it...)


Anyway, here are some updates:


I'm playing Lego Indy: TOA constantly... I just finished up Last Crusade last night, and after hearing the background music in those levels, I've decided that I'm getting the score. XD And I'm gathering up lots of bonuses and minifigures now, finally got a Treasure x2, it's all good...


Finally making good progress with my movie. I recorded a lot of my own lines, and I'm still waiting on those of my three co-stars, then we need to go through and give it the special effects treatment as well, but at least I finished the first three minutes of it or so... for those who want an abstract sneak preview of Imperial Inspection, go check out the latest post in my Space Pirates topic. There be a link in one of them content blocks. :pirate:


My annoyance of past days subsided slightly, even though I didn't really accomplish what I was aiming for... I was able to get out with some friends today, which cheered me up somewhat. ^_^


And finally, my job at a local recreational center has been confirmed and set in stone. Or paperwork. Or whatever. Anyway, it'll give a nice profit, I'm looking at about $550 by the end of it, only for 12 days of work. Not too shabby. That might pay for a UCS Milennium Falcon, or a large fleet of smaller LSW sets, or an Xbox 360 + Xbox Live, most likely the latter of these. Call of Duty 4 FTW.


Let's end this entry on a survey.


In my next movie (not the one I'm working on now, because it's already filmed and about halfway through post-pro), which of the following inter-dimensional visitors would you like to see walking the halls of the Death Star, or exploring the jungles of Kashyyyk, or perhaps braving the dangers of Mos Eisley? There are three choices:


1.) Indiana Jones (and Henry Jones, Sr. and a bunch of Nazis) -- This could work well if we brought Han Solo in as well

2.) Spiderman (and Doc Ock, and possibly Green Goblin)

3.) Batman (going solo here)


I'm leaning towards Indy myself.




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Hmm...I actually was thinking about getting that game as I did enjoy Lego Star Wars games. I am not sure if I will though as I don't have a job, so the money that I have now is all I'll have for the summer.


Good to hear that your projects are moving along nicely. I can't wait to see it, when its done. And I am glad you were able to make some contact with your friends outside of school.


*feels ashame* You have a job? Man, people younger than me ever have a job and are getting pay more money than I had in my life. I really need to start looking for a job this summer.


To answer your survey, I like to see Indiana Jones in your next film as it be interesting to see how Han Solo would react to see someone that look just like him.



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Not even two weeks and you get $550!? Man I wish I was you... Get the Xbox. Get Halo 3, especially. But you should get the others first, otherwise it wouldn't make much sense. :P


I'd say Indy. Han & Indy would definitely be hilarious.



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And that's one more fallen to Microsoft. :P


(Back, foul Master Chief! Don't make me set Ike on you!)




I wouldn't cross him. :P


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