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Yeesssss. It is fun. I want to buy one of those and just walk on it all day. Backwards for slow, Forwards for fast, the power of speed is mine!

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If I become a millionare, I'm getting thirteen or so of those in my house. All leading to the fridge

I'd have them by my bed.

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


If I become a millionare, I'm getting thirteen or so of those in my house. All leading to the fridge

But then there would be no fun sneaking out to it in the middle of the night... :(

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If I had a million dollars

If I had a million dollars

I'd have conveyor belts in my house

Moving me to...


I fail at lyrics. :(



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Oh Cholie.....


If I had a million dollars

If I had a million dollars

I'd have conveyor belts in my house

And a hot tub for my mouse


With a towel rack for its blouse...


And the diving board would be

Made out of conveyor belts!

With pool toys made of cheese

Delivered by conveyor belts!


If I had a million dollars

If I had a million dollars

I'd have conveyor belts in my yard

But landscaping is hard


So I'll hire a...


Landscaper! landscaper!

To install my conveyor belts!

Landscaper! landscaper!

Dig ditches for conveyor belts!


This song is really dumb

It makes my ears go numb

But since I like conveyor belts

I'll sing it 'cus I'm from.....


California! California!

But that makes no sense

The only conveyor belts I had seen

Were in a Dallas Airport


Oh, and that reminds me...


If I had a million dollars

If I had a million dollars

I'd dream about conveyor belts

Dream about how good they smelt


Untill my nose got caught in the....


Conveyor belt! Conveyor belt!

Help! A rabid conveyor belt!

It grabbed my nose and turned

'Til it was as long as a hose and had 1st degree burns

Conveyor belt! Conveyor belt!

Oh, how I hate conveyor belts!


If I had a million dollars I'd spend it on stamps instead.


Yay improv. :)

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Fine. I'll buy the world looooooonnnngggesst treadmill. And I'll turn the speed alllll the way up high. And I'll be.... the fastest man in the wooorrrrrld!

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