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33 Hours Of Just About Everything: Puppys N' Games



Okay, so I have now realised that at this pace, I'll be at this little series forever. So I'm going to try and wrap it all up in one more entry after thise one. Let's try this again WITHOUT THE SERVER SCREWING ME OVER



TToJAE Part Two: Guss-Sitting


Okay, as I have pointed out before, Frank's family has dogs. Lots of them. In this visit alone, they got two new dogs altogether; a uber-lazy Labrador called Buster *I quickly took to calling him X-Buster to amuse my inner Megaman-Nerd* and just about the coolest puppy ever, Guss. This little bugger was of great company to me, especially since those two other kids were still there and I was getting completely left out of everything >,<


A chocolate lab of around nine weeks old, Guss was an irresistabley cute little fellow packing a whole lot of spunk *he seems to enjoy trying to steal toys right out of the mouthes of dogs way bigger then him and usually ended up attacking the dogs themselves* and a whole lot of teeth that he unleashed on just about everything he could get a hold of.


Well, seeing as half the time I had nothing to do thanks to the other guys hogging everything up, I decided to take little Guss in. The house is so big and filled more then a few slightly dominance-crazed dogs, Guss needed to be put in a kennel when no one was around to supervise him, and you could hear the poor fellow's crying from all the way upstairs. I felt sorry for him, especially since it reminded me of my own dog Nicky during his first time in a kennel, so I decided to don the mantle of "Uncle Carl" and take Guss out of that thing.


So yeah, I took care of the little one for most of the sleepover; feeding him, cleaning up after him, taking him outside when he had to go while even in a massive storm *See in the upcoming TToJAE segment*, giving him an indulgent amount of attention and taking things out of his mouth that shouldn't be there *This includes T-800 action figures, soda bottles, a stray wireless Xbox controller, and quite a few miscellaneus articles of clothing* ... And I took this guy everywhere. Heck, he even went to the video store with us and he waddled around after me! He had taking a particular liking to me, and Frank's family appreciated how much I looked after the little fellow.


So yeah, now I have a new friend I can look forward to seeing next time I can come over ^^


TToJAE Part Three: The Epic PS3 Quest


Remember how I mentioned we took a trip to a video store/Movie Gallery? Well, that marked the begining of the epic PS3 quest, a tale of lethal lightning storms, tragic lines being drawn, revenge via Iphone, and parachuting sequences of doom. All because of one game: Army of Two.


Well, we're at the Movie Gallery and so far our focus has been more on the video games then the movies themselves- Frank lost all his PS2 games in a tragic housecleaning incident, his 2 360s both went screwy on him, so he was stuck with his PS3- and he himself qouted that it sucked almost as bad as the Wii. Qouthe myself "AMEN."


Well, so we're browsing through the video games. I pick up the new Turok game. Qoute the one friend who I admit I hate with a passion "No! I don't wanna spend the night shooting dinosaurs."


"You don't just shoot dinosaurs, dude. See those dudes on the back? The dinos-"


"I don't care! It looks stupid!"




"It looks stupid- besides, this looks cooler. *Holds up some Basketball game*"


"... Sports games are far more stupid, dude. Why play vidoe games of sports when you can do the real thing?"


"... Still, no Turok."


"*sharp exhale*"


So yeah, since I wasn't allowed to stuff the basketball game down his throat, I just decided to give up and look at movies. And I am telling you, behold the most hillarious knock-off movies I have EVER seen. I still can't believe I found images of them.






Yeah, and you thought the actual AVP franchise sucked.


Well, anyways, long story short, I convince the guys to rent Army Of Two because it looked cool. They also rented Rob Zombie's version of Friday The 13Th *I love Rob's music, but I value keeping my lunch down in my stomach* and some emo looking moving about a demonic barber. Seriously, that's just weird. So we pack up the gang and I have Guss in my lap- so we sit back and run the ultimate storm gauntlet.


A huge tornado was brewing nearby, so we found ourselves driving through pitch black streets blasted with light that scared the snot out of stormophobic Frank, people driving like the speed limit is 5 MPH, and the occasional doe with a deathwish. So when we finally get back to the house, we find ourselves screaming almost as much as that time at The Camp as we run for the house. So we make it inside and all is good. UNTIL...


"Uh, Frank, the PS3 is in the treehouse."


Begin a 15 minute long argument about self-sacrifice, not being a hero, and not getting killed by lightning. For someone in such a third-person position, I was able to find the whole thing hillarious, but I myself wasn't gonna go out there. No way, it was a freaking apocakyptic storm out there.So Frank and I are just waiting there for his brother and friend to return- which they do 5 minutes later with PS3 and tv in tow. So we're all celebrating and as if on que, the biggest and loudest dang lightning bolt we had ever seen slammed the ground off in the distance- it scared the crud out of EVERYONE, and we were able to laugh about it afterwards.So in the meantime, we kinda loafed around for a bit, watching some episode of Law and Order featuring a weird little girl in the dorkiest outfit you had ever seen. Finally, we decide to hook the PS3 out and play Army of Two.


This is long as it is, so I ain't gonna turn this into a video game review. But I will say it was a really cool game that revived the long-dead multiplayer campaign mode- I haven't played a multiplayer video game that involved the people in the same room as you in ages. So yeah, it was really cool, your armor is awesome and the mid-mission shopping was a cool element, but then the parachuting came into play. Simply put, it's gonna kill you everytime. I don't know how such a good game managed to cram in such wonky controlls for that gaming sequence. So after awhile I gave up on it with Frank and went to bed. That is because I am now too tired to write about the entire war in itself over who got to play Army of Two- that's a tale of revenge in itself.



So yeah, I think I'm done with this little series. Stick around to see what I can come up with next time!


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...some emo looking moving about a demonic barber. Seriously, that's just weird.


I believe that was this:






Anways... Wow, those are EPIC RIPOFFS. That's just... Wow.

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