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I Love This Day



Friday the 13th's are always fun. Especially if there's a full moon. Because everyone else goes crazy! Maybe I just like to be different and get weird stares, but whatever. (It's also a friend's birthday. In fact, she was born on a Friday.)



Reston Town Center's Taste of the Town. WAMALUG will be there, so I will be tagging along because it's a display day! WAMA was invited to display MOCs, any type (though it seems to be a town theme--bah, whatever. Here are pictures that Brickjournal Founder/Editor Joe Meno took of last year's display.


I'll be there from start (12:00) to 5:00 PM, wearing my light blue BZPower T-shirt. (Link should be in my sig, but I'm too lazy to find it now.) I'm building a house for the display (but I haven't built a house since I was 5 probably). I'll also bring lots of space and Bionicle, and I'm working on a space port.


Also tomorrow, I just found out and can't go, is that one of my favorite local bands Virginia Coalition is having a show at a similar event of Taste. They don't start playing until 6:10, but who knows if I can get there in time. And I'll be alone, so it won't be fun. Durn.


This is in Nothern Virginia, BTW.


So tomorrow should be fun. I hope to stay up late tonight building, but we'll see if my parents have other ideas.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day from -SZ-: "I never said most of the things I said." --SZ-


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