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Did anyone ever make Oobleck before? It's awesome :P


Although they really need to tell you "not usable for ceiling painting" on the recipe. :P


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For real,I am a Profocional oobleck creator.

Eat up. ^^

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Yeah, I've made it at least twice... okay, only twice. :P


You guys do know that if you eat it, it'll get stuck in your digestive system, right? :blink: So don't eat it.


EDIT: Turakii and I posted at the same time -- 3:21. oO


Just, never put it into a tuba. :P
The poor tuba! :o


BTW, what exactly is the Red Llama Award? Or is it one of those things that I don't want to know...

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Isn't it spelt "Ooblech"? I've always loved that stuff. A variation of it was used as "Pour it Out" slime at the camp I interned at. They picked random kids out of the 1000+ campers to stand in "Pour it Out Machines" where they dumped either Oatmeal, Oobleck, hundreds of ping-pong balls, or packing peanuts on their heads. They literally buried the people alive in packing peanuts! Good times.

>_< Ever gotten a sticky hand stuck on the cieling? Unpretty.

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BTW, what exactly is the Red Llama Award? Or is it one of those things that I don't want to know...


Probably something you don't want to know. :P


Ooh, oobleck. I LIEK OOBLEK :)



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Never heard of it, but from that wiki entry, I want to stay far away from Spitty.


And all the other Prject Klink members. :P


Vvvveeeeerrry far away. o_0

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You guys do know that if you eat it, it'll get stuck in your digestive system, right? :blink: So don't eat it.


BTW, what exactly is the Red Llama Award? Or is it one of those things that I don't want to know...

...uh oh :fear:




The Red Llama Award - The Award of Nothing, Except You, The Bearer of the Award of Nothing, Recieve a Red Llama


Isn't it spelt "Ooblech"? I've always loved that stuff. A variation of it was used as "Pour it Out" slime at the camp I interned at. They picked random kids out of the 1000+ campers to stand in "Pour it Out Machines" where they dumped either Oatmeal, Oobleck, hundreds of ping-pong balls, or packing peanuts on their heads. They literally buried the people alive in packing peanuts! Good times.


>_< Ever gotten a sticky hand stuck on the cieling? Unpretty.



XD That would be AWESOME. :happydance:


No, I haven't. =P



Never heard of it, but from that wiki entry, I want to stay far away from Spitty.


And all the other Prject Klink members. :P


Vvvveeeeerrry far away. o_0

What did I do wrong? TELL ME :begging: =P


That's no moon... that's a melon. :blink:

...that's wonderful, Onuki. :P

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"Do the melon dance!"-V person on zatch bell.


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Hapori Tohu


Hapori taho was infact veiwing your blog!

I am not lying,I saw it!

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