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Ten Better Questions...



...Than ~Laughin'Man~'s that is.

1) Fire, water, earth, or air?

2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...?

3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless?

3) Whar is question #4?

5) I can haz personality issues?

6) What is you name?

7) What is your quest?

8) What is your favorite color?

9) What are these questions referencing?

10) What is your favorite smiley?

11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy?


1) Fire, water, earth, or air?

2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...?
O rly?

3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless?

3) Whar is question #4?
I'm asking you.

5) I can haz personality issues?
I can?

6) What is you name?

7) What is your quest?
To be an earthbender. :P

8) What is your favorite color?

9) What are these questions referencing?
I'm not telling.

10) What is your favorite emote?

11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy?
Because of the mudkips.


Recommended Comments

1) Fire, water, earth, or air? Water


2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...? So I herd you liek pikachooz...?


3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless? The Eagles


3) Whar is question #4? Same place as question #12.


5) I can haz personality issues? Considering the circumstances, Turakii already took them all; so no.


6) What is you name? What people call me.


7) What is your quest? Not sure yet.


8) What is your favorite color? Red


9) What are these questions referencing? Personal information


10) What is your favorite smiley? Dunno


11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy? Because I signed up for the twelve question thingy.



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1) Fire, water, earth, or air?


2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...?


3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless?


3) Whar is question #4?


5) I can haz personality issues?


6) What is you name?


7) What is your quest?


8) What is your favorite color?


9) What are these questions referencing?

I dun now.

10) What is your favorite smiley?


11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy?

You said ten qwestions...


By thye way, I made that pirate version of you finally! http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/slayer-o...rk/imgp0936.jpg

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1) Fire, water, earth, or air?



2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...?

oh no i liek torchik


3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless?



3) Whar is question #4?

I hiedz it.


5) I can haz personality issues?

Que pasa?


6) What is you name?

[macho] Sir Lancelot of Camelot!


7) What is your quest?

To seek the Holy Grail!


8) What is your favorite color?

Blue! No, red, no-Aaauuughhh!


9) What are these questions referencing?

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Monty Python and the Quest for The Holy Grail


10) What is your favorite smiley?



11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy?

Because I'm already signed up.



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1) Fire, water, earth, or air?



2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...?



3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless?



3) Whar is question #4?

Nobody 'nose'


5) I can haz personality issues?

No. THAR MIN AL MIN!180786


6) What is you name?

E.T., Flow, and LOLMAN are my nicknames.


7) What is your quest?

Eat all my friends


8) What is your favorite color?



9) What are these questions referencing?

IDK, George?


10) What is your favorite smiley



11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy


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I know how to spell. It's a common misconfect -- I mean, misconception -- that it's spelt "question." It's actually spelt "kwestion" (j/k).


There are eleven kwestions here. Don't try to deny it. You said in the title there are ten. YOU LIE!!!!!


- :l: :flagcanada:

Ah, but you remember, four is missing. It can only follow that:



1) Fire, water, earth, or air?



2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...?



3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless?

Baggins likes bagels.


3) Whar is question #4?

My lawn chair ate it. Bad lawn chair.


5) I can haz personality issues?

Who? Me? Thanks!


6) What is you name?

Charlie the singing cat! Only not so much, George.


7) What is your quest?



8) What is your favorite color?

Old socks.


9) What are these questions referencing?

Morbid cheeses?


10) What is your favorite smiley?

<_< Not smiling.


11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy?

Bekaus i r stupid

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I know how to spell. It's a common misconfect -- I mean, misconception -- that it's spelt "question." It's actually spelt "kwestion" (j/k).


There are eleven kwestions here. Don't try to deny it. You said in the title there are ten. YOU LIE!!!!!


- :l: :flagcanada:

Ah, but you remember, four is missing. It can only follow that:


I love your bizarre Paint doodles...



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There are two number threes to made up for the lack of a four.


And what in Mata Nui's name does pi have to do with ten or eleven kwestions?


- :l: :flagcanada:

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1) Fire, water, earth, or air?

Avatar State


2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...?

Only with the proper seasonings


3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless?



3) Whar is question #4?

It died and went to heaven


5) I can haz personality issues?

Only with written permission from a parent or guardian


6) What is you name?

Idaho Johnson


7) What is your quest?

I seek the epic fail


8) What is your favorite color?

Blue. What, I mean yelloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


9) What are these questions referencing?



10) What is your favorite smiley?

All of them at once


11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy?

Because I can't afford it :(


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1) Fire

2) I dinae know, ya bairn.

3) Eagles

4) Here?

5) If you hold them in.

6) Juan

7) Helium!

8) Orange.

9) Pop culture

10) : |


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1. Air.

2. Whar yO her dat???/

3. Eagles.

4. Me no know!

5. NO! Because personalaty issuses is in love with my caffin-crazed issuses!

6. that thing above my avy!

7. On runescape black knight's fortress.

8. Toss up between red and brown.

9. Absalutly nothing what so-ever.

10. Me no know!

11. wAht yo FiNk diS finG is? Even though in the title you said there were 10...

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1) Fire, water, earth, or air?


2) So I herd you liek mudkipz...?


3) Beagles or Bagles? Or Eagles? Or Bagless?


3) Whar is question #4?


5) I can haz personality issues?


6) What is you name?


7) What is your quest?


8) What is your favorite color?


9) What are these questions referencing?


10) What is your favorite smiley?


11) Why didn't you sign up for the eleven question quiz-thingy?





1. Earth.




3. Eagles.


3. This is actually number 4.


5. Yes.


6. Gravitic Ghost Rider.


7. To answer these questions.


8. Grey.


9. The 4 classic elements, Pokemanz, Your sick, twisted mind, and Monty Python.


10. :baaa:


11. I did.

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