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Chasing Shadows -- Epics Contest #7 (plus A Surprise)



Heyo! For those who didn't know, I did enter Epics Contest #7 with Chasing Shadows, a murder mystery from the Makuta's point of view. Comments are appreciated! :)


Also, I've written the first two chapters of the new prequel epic to ED. The first takes place during the end of the Toa-Dark Hunter War, and is more or less an introduction to the main characters and allowed me to experiment with Nuhala, Sylea, Kivu and Hyperion (and Schattenu and Scintilla, to a lesser extent). The second chapter is the true introduction to the main plot of the story, though it may not seem like it. There's also a blatant reference to Indiana Jones in there.


...Oh, what the heck! I'll just throw up a quick excerpt (and this part was really fun just to imagine in my head, let alone write):


The Toa of Magnetism nodded, grabbed the object -- what looked like a golden, decorative cylinder of some kind -- and ran. "Come on!" he said. "Let's get out of here!" Before any of the Toa could move, a sound like stone shattering filled the chamber. The next thing any of them knew, the floor beneath their feet was destroyed, dropping both Toa and Dark Hunter alike into a seemingly bottomless pit.


They all hit the ground hard; Thok's crystal prison shattered on impact. But they had no chance to recover. The floor angled itself into a ramp, dumping all nine of them down what they could best describe as a slide. As they tumbled through the dark, they felt themselves twisting and turning in every way possible at high speeds. They eventually landed in a pool of water, beneath which was another tunnel. The suction of the water draining pulled them all in, and once more they were off.


This time, however, the water flow traveled up a steep incline, sending them shooting up the tunnel like Cordak blaster rockets. They finally saw light for a brief moment before being launched out of another waterfall and sent soaring over the island and out to sea. They all hit the water hard, sinking quite a way before managing to swim back to the surface.


The three Skakdi tried to advance once regaining at least a bit of their senses, but Kivu reacted quickly, using his power over air to create an underwater cyclone and sending the Dark Hunters far away from the Toa.


The Toa Varietas swam back to the island, all six collapsing on the beach breathlessly. Schattenu still had the treasure in a death grip. After a few moments, Toa Kivu sat up, an immense grin on his face.


"That was awesome!" he exclaimed. "Let's do it again!"


Yes, this will indeed be the most fun thing I've ever written.


Recommended Comments

If the whole epic is like that, then I believe that this will be your best yet. Keep up the good brilliant work.


And an edit: I suppose I should give ye this...



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