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Ah, Happy Endings...

Turaga Dlakii


Remember what I was saying about Lai hijacking one of my latest MOCs? Well, that's been resolved very fairly, I think. B)


You see, before I left for school today, I decided to get my work back. So, when he was in the kitchen, I snuck into his room and took it; he left it in a very obvious spot, a mistake I didn't repeat myself. ;)


Then, after school, I got to work reclaiming my work. To divert Lai's suspicion, I had to change the red-and-black colour scheme to red-and-silver silver and black, pardon the typo. Then I had to try to recreate the old torso, which took a lot of experimentation. The legs were somewhat Nivawk-based, yet different in a big way. The end result was, in my view, a very sleek and thin, yet mildly oversized, Toa of... something. :shrugs:


I'll probably put him up on BZP sometime later. Then again, that's what I said about all my other MOCs... But this time I mean it! :bigsmile:


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