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My Life, Blah Blah Blah, Cool Guitar Picture.



Even though it's only been 10 hours or so since I posted my last blog, I figure I need one before I go off to have my last-day-of-summer-fun. I think I just plan on hanging out with some of my friends, especially those going off to different high schools than me, but we'll see. So, I promised a look at my room and less importantly my life, so here it is.


~Where I'm at right now~

As I said before, I'm going into high school, which will be, if nothing else, way better than junior high. I play water polo too, and I know a bunch of the upperclassmen on the team already because of various out of school leagues and practices. So, I've got the whole sports thing down, and I haven't sold my soul to the evil football entity. No offense to those who play football, I'm sure you enjoy it and all, it's just at my school, it's more or less a year round thing, which just doesn't sound enjoyable.


With classes, it's a different story, in easiness. I have, for freshman year, Geometry, Biology, Honors English, Spanish 1, Theology, Phys Ed (ugh), aannndd. . .I think maybe Visual Arts. I can only hope. Geometry won't be that bad, but I just don't have thing for math. I love it outside of class, I just don't like doing worksheets and problems for it every night. That's what annoys me. Biology should be mostly fun, but hard. . the main reason I'm taking this instead of Health/Computers is because this way I can take AP Bio Sophomore year. The Honors English should be easy enough, but more than a little bit of work to do. . As for the rest, no biggie. I just don't look forward to being forced to play sports I hate.


Other things amongst my life are my guitar (a standard black and white Yamaha with a broken jack) my computer (iMac with intel core duo chip with 1GB of RAM and 160GB HD), my Bass (a Fender JP-90) and my friends. I'm in a band. . . sort of. It's a work in progress, at least.


~My room~

Hmm. . I'll do my room tomorrow. Too tired waiting up for people to call me.

Aaaaaaannnndd . . .


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Recommended Comments

Nitnitnit. . It is a "Bass" guitar. It's still a guitar. If it was a Bass, it'd be big and varnished and upright. :P Besides, there are six string basses and 7 string guitars. So you can't just judge by the strings. But. . I should've labeled it right. Haha.

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It's still a guitar...technically...it's a thunderbird bass, and those sound pretty gutar-ish last time I checked...


my friend has a yamaha guitar that the jack broke on too, seems to be a common problem...

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