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Brickmaster Recieved



I got my Brickmaster in today. I must say, I enjoyed the whole enchilada quite nicely.


The magazine itself was nice. There are a few pages dedicated to Bionicle, talking about the Mistika and whatnot. The new Agents comics are neat, and rather entertaining as well. The Batman comic was ok... Also featured is a two page... thingy... on the Star Wars: The Clone Wars LEGO minifigures, coming out later on in the summer apparently. The minifigs looks pretty good, especially the clones. Captain Rex has quite a few new minifig accessories on him. B) I was dissapointed in the lack of contests, there are only two. Ah well.


The Bionicle comic was quite excellent, in opinion. It was well laid out, spending equal time on all three toa and makuta. Tahu and Gali are beginning to grow on me (Onua... not so much), and the Makuta are beginning to look like a real problem :P

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Takanuva is back! And... I wonder what the Codrex is?

The Brickmaster exclusive set is my favorite part of the lot. It was the exclusive Indiana Jones set! While the set looks cool (I have an Indy minifig now!) it is also built well. There are some smart building technics to be found, and... of course, there is all of that dark green! ^_^


So overall, I really liked this month's Brickmaster edition of the LEGO magazine. :)




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Did the Brickmaster feature Trinuma? I only got my LEGO Summer 2008 catalog today. Not complaining or anything, but I don't know if my subscripion has ended or not.


EDIT: Apparently there was more mail than expected today, as I recieved my Brickmaster today as well (more like tonight). Anyways, there is a small image of Trinuma and a club code for online instructions on page 15... For some reason, I always imagined him in an adapted Pakari Nuva, not an

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Adapted Hau Nuva

I also got the Indy set as well. #20004


:pirate: Captain raven575 :pirate:



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I think the Codrex is that giant silver orb with the Mata Nui symbol on it.

I dunnolol I don't have Bionicle Legends #10.

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Arg! Everyone is getting their BM! Well, considering I got mine earlier then most people last time...Anywho, if it's as good as you say it is, I can't wait! mine will probibly come tomorrow.

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Can you get BL10 where you live? If so, get it. It explains some about the Codrex.

Yeah, I have it, I just need to finish it. :)


Did the Brickmaster feature Trinuma? I only got my LEGO Summer 2008 catalog today. Not complaining or anything, but I don't know if my subscripion has ended or not.


:pirate: Captain raven575 :pirate:

No... I don't think so. Not featuring Trinuma that is. :P


I think the Codrex is that giant silver orb with the Mata Nui symbol on it.


I dunnolol I don't have Bionicle Legends #10.



That would make sense... I need to finish the book. :rolleyes:



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