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Something Highly Disturbing...



This is not your ordinary blog entry.


I just learned some very disturbing things.


Watch the History Channel, specifically, any UFO programs that you can find on there, to see for yourself. Or research the following two things:


1) the Sorocco case.


2) Tim Cullen, who had a small foreign metallic device implanted in his arm. It was emitting radio signals on several frequencies. But it caused no harm to the man's body upon going into his arm (it was something along those lines, at least -- I'm going to research this tomorrow, when it's light out).


Medically impossible. UFOs are very real.


Onuki, over and out


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Actually, something like what Tim Cullen is being worked on, so it's not impossible. Kind of scary for those who have read the Left Behind series, though.

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You want to be freaked out about UFO stuff? Start researching Project "Crystal Knight" from the middle of the 20th century...the premise was to send 10-12 soldiers as ambassadors in some kind of interstellar exchange program.


Oh, the conspiracy theorists and coverups there blow Tim Cullen's RFID arm out of the water.


-KIE *cue X-Files theme*

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Actually, something like what Tim Cullen is being worked on, so it's not impossible. Kind of scary for those who have read the Left Behind series, though.


You mean the Mark right?


Yay! Another believer! ^_^


Me too!


There may be viable evidence that UFOs exist, but I have yet to see anything that could not be a hoax. KIE is right.


Its those shows, they portray all of it as serious science and add that creepy music in the background. Not to mention that those shows are often on at 10:00 at night. :P

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Sorry, I put that device in his arm. Then I sell the secrets to advertising companies. I didn't think it would get this blown out of proportion.
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Sorry, I put that device in his arm. Then I sell the secrets to advertising companies. I didn't think it would get this blown out of proportion.
So that's where that junk-mail-sending hiking club got my name from. <_<



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And only now you realized that? :P
To this degree, yes. :P I had figured that it was inevitable that there was life out there, but this is much more than I ever would have imagined.
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Let's hope you don't get visited by the BZP Lovers Suits. (Not to be confused with Will Smith's butt-kicking posse with flashy thingies)

they aren't nice.

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Well, if I stop posting on BZP, you'll know what happened to me, Mobius. Keep the story alive. :P


But naw, they won't. There are plenty of other people who I'm sure are higher up on their list of people to visit.

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The term 'impossible' is expendable, if you ask me.


As for UFOs, I haven't seen enough solid evidence to convince me that they do exist. All I've seen is speculation based on questionable evidence. That's not enough to convince me that they exist.


I'm not at all worried about invaders taking over Earth, but if extraterrestrials do exist, I don't think they're bent on destruction like MiB and Independance Day seem to portray. Most likely, it's very much the same with our situation, they're interested in information. We stick our satellites into their space, it's only natural that they return the favor.


That is, if aliens exist at all.


And that's a pretty big 'if'.


. Dr. B .

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Finally! Another believer!!! I think I've actually seen aliens before. I was sleeping in my bed, when I heard something. I opened my eyes, and I saw this green glow in my doorway, as some meter-tall beings were walking in. at that point, I closed my eyes as tight as I could, and when I opened them again, it was becoming daylight and they were gone. It wasn't a dream; it was waaaay too real. I was so terrified that I lay in bed all day and skipped school. Next time they come, I think I may be ready...


*pulls out bb pistol and penny-filled sock sown together with nylon*


Yeah... just wait...


~GN (Y)

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The term 'impossible' is expendable, if you ask me.


As for UFOs, I haven't seen enough solid evidence to convince me that they do exist. All I've seen is speculation based on questionable evidence. That's not enough to convince me that they exist.


I'm not at all worried about invaders taking over Earth, but if extraterrestrials do exist, I don't think they're bent on destruction like MiB and Independance Day seem to portray. Most likely, it's very much the same with our situation, they're interested in information. We stick our satellites into their space, it's only natural that they return the favor.


That is, if aliens exist at all.


And that's a pretty big 'if'.

You make a good point in that most of them are just here for scientific reasons. That appears to be the case, from what I've read so far.


But as far as their existence goes, there are waaaay too many sites that I could show you if it wasn't for BZP's advertising rules. And these aren't just sites thrown together by your average Joe who just wants attention -- these are the sites of credible organizations. Well, one of them, and by far the largest one, is. That and...

Finally! Another believer!!! I think I've actually seen aliens before. I was sleeping in my bed, when I heard something. I opened my eyes, and I saw this green glow in my doorway, as some meter-tall beings were walking in. at that point, I closed my eyes as tight as I could, and when I opened them again, it was becoming daylight and they were gone. It wasn't a dream; it was waaaay too real. I was so terrified that I lay in bed all day and skipped school. Next time they come, I think I may be ready...
That's just plain scary. Do you live out in the country or in a city? Just out of curiosity...


But to use that as an example, I've read that 9 out of 10 UFO reports, at best, can be explained. However, roughly only 1 in 10 sightings (abductions, etc.) is reported. But the sheer number of reports (70,000+ reports around the world every year) suggests that there are still many reports that cannot be explained -- c. 7,000. Each year. Don't you think that at least one in that 7,000 could be real?


The longer we temporize in accepting the existence of extraterrestrials, the more we stand to lose in the fields of scientific exchange/forming treaties/deciphering their language(s). It appears that the question is not "if," but rather "when."

That's just... weird... :P

PS, I have a topic for your Spam Museum... Here

Thanks. I really need to update that thing. :P


EDIT: Er, that's not spam. That's a real Maori complaint from way back when.

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And may I ask where the larger part of these sightings have occured?
I'm afraid I haven't looked into that statistic yet. Although I do know offhand that a lot of the most frightening events have transpired throughout South America, including a lot in Brazil.


There's so little civilization in some places down there that I suppose the UFOs might feel more comfortable landing/observing in that area...


If that was a rhetorical question, then you win. Because I don't know offhand. :P

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i can only recall two major UFO events in Oklahoma. technically, one of them happened in Texas. I guess they think we're boring.


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