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Paralyzed With Too Much To Do



Have you ever felt like you had so much to do that you don't know where to start? I've got that feeling, big time, and have had for a while. So much writing... so much web work... so much other stuff... sometimes I just want to crawl under the blanket and only peek out when I smell fresh cookies being baked.


Too bad life doesn't work that way.


So, after much waffling, I've made the decision to just get through it and power through what I need to power through. Fulfill the obligations so I can do what I want to do, rather than what I think I'm obligated to do.


Alas, one of the biggies (two, really) involve BZP. The site needs a software upgrade (which will probably break some things until I put them back together), and I need to get the skins finished from the art contest we had a while ago. There are a lot of things involved with both projects, and they're intertwined. The sheer volume of it, and wanting to not interrupt the site during the day, has kept me from actually doing the upgrade, but honestly, if I don't do it at my convenience, it just ain't a-gonna happen. So instead of staying up until 2 a.m. to upgrade the site during its least busy period, I'm going to pull it offline when I have a few hours during the day to work on it. At least that way it'll get done. So look for some downtime in the next couple of days.


There are other things going on too... the more pleasurable tasks of writing stories about my trip to visit TT Games in the UK; more writing for LEGOFan's "Getting Started" section; stuff like that. But they're still out there, patiently waiting for me to do them (when all I really want to do is spend my time trying to get that elusive last bonus canister in the "LEGO Star Wars 2" demo, or ride bikes with my kids). And there are some bigger long-term projects I want/need to get on with, but don't feel that I can while I have all this other stuff hanging over my head.


I've just gotta learn to say "no". :drooling:


Anyway, the point of all this is that the forum and blog software will be updated in the next couple of days (hopefully), and there'll be several hours during the day when you can't get access. I'll post a note on the home page. Some things will likely take time to get back in, but I'll try to make it mo' betta' than it was.





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Yes, I get that feeling whenever I need to clean my closet. :P

And I'm forced to, not by parents or common sense or anything, just because I can't walk inside it anymore without stepping on something sharp and/or with teeth.


Anyway, look forward to the forum updates. Y'know what'd be a really nice upgrade? We all get free money. :P

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I know how you feel about having too much to do. Last school year, first term, I had 4 solid classes at once. Just the homework got so bad that I often had to choose which classes to do and which I had no time for. The result was 2 B's, a C (honors English 11), and only 1 A unlike my usual straight A's. I empathise with you. :(


As for the forum update, it is fin for BZP to go offline for a while. I mean, BZPower is fun, but there are other things to do. :)

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OK, that wasn't too bad. Offline for about an hour, and got this done:

  • Some database tables optimized
  • Backed up DB and forum fully
  • Updated forum software to latest patch
  • Updated blog software to latest patch
There may be things broken, but I don't think much. I hope.
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I always hate to backup... it takes so long, but you did pretty well Bink. :D

Well, I've got some Linux command line backup commands that make it pretty painless, albeit time consuming.


- Bink

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Where is BZP hosted? Well, I am glad that is all over. :)

Great job Bink. :)



Actually, the company that creates the forum and blog software also has a hosting arm, which we use.

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Well, I was in school when it happened, lol. Binky, I know just how you feel. I tend to put off projects that need to be done until they are so piled up that I am forced to barrel through them. I can't wait to see how the skins look, btw. How long does it take you to plug in a skin? I didn't think it would take that long per, but what do I know? I'm an artist, not a programmer.


Also, I was wondering, binky... Are we (and by we, I mean this site, seeing as I'm not staff..... yet... =P) going to have a Lego Starwars multiplatform review? I know It's not bionicle-related, but Lego Starwars (the videogame) is adored by many a BZPer.


Oh, and, this is just a guess, but we are going to have a Bionicle Heroes review, right?


If you need any graphics done to lighten the load, just call. I may not be a Rayg or Schizo, but I can do technical art and the like. Anything I can do to help my favorite forum ^.^


Fellow Bionicle Obsessor and Lego Star Wars Lover,

Giganuva Upsilon

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Oh, and, this is just a guess, but we are going to have a Bionicle Heroes review, right?

Oh yes - and much more than a simple review. Much more.

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^ I think that's a wee bit too not subtle. =D


Anyways, can't wait for a nice review (and whatever else you have) of Heroes, looks like a pretty good game.

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I'm guessing along the lines of a new Powercast or maybe a video review? Am I right?


~GN (Y)


Oh, and btw, Binky, do you know why Maj and Bshelf mess up on me so much? it can never "find the page"


Edit: wait, wait, it just "cannot be displayed"

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Dude if this place didn't depend on you so much I'd say take a longo break...but not too longo else you'l end up vanishing like Ninjo....

great job on the new stuffs...looking forward to the skins!!

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