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Turaga Dlakii


And that's the term over. :happydance:


Just for a change, I might as well explain what happened today.


First was English. We didn't really do anything in the class, other than watch Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (which, coincidentally, I had done an assignment on last year). It was good, but it just doesn't compare to the books.


Next came Japanese. We still didn't do anything (not that it mattered; there were only three of us). We were taught some Japanese card game, using a deck of playing cards with holes punched in them.


During recess, in response to a plan from earlier, I had a Pokémon battle against my friend. As usual, he won, mostly because I made a few errors with my preparations. That Gengar of his is INSANE.


After that was Maths. Some of us did a test regarding Microsoft Excel, while others of us bludged and did nearly nothing. Having done the test already, I resorted to searching the Internet for decent Photoshop tutorials, some of which I found. Meanwhile, one of my friends browsed the LEGO website, discussing the topic with the teacher and a number of my friends. Given that I've sworn never to mention my LEGO interest at school (a wise move, given the trouble I get about my Pokémon interest), I sort of struggled not to join in. From what I saw of the site, Shop @ Home has the Toa Mahri cheap.


In Science, we watched Mythbusters after doing some desk-cleaning which made me feel a bit ill. I took the opportunity, during the film, to alter my party to improve them, teaching the Earthquake TM to my Heracross.


Then came lunch. I rematched my friend to a battle, and he won again. To make things easier, the third battle was a 3-on-3, and I actually won!


Then as a finale, in SOSE, we watched a film. It was okay, but I was too concerned with what came next...


At the end of the day, we got our mid-year reports. I think I did really well, though as usual, my father won't be happy. He is too obsessed with my maths results for his own good. :angry:


Well, that was long. Don't expect that ever again! :lol:


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Haha, Mythbusters, Hitchhikers' Guide and Japanese FTW! Too bad we can't learn Japanese here in the states, it would be so much more usual than Spanish...





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Which episode of Mythbusters?


And why do you have comment approval on?


I think it was the boomlift catapault one.


That's because I've had to delete a large number of comments consisting of "so i herd u liek mudkipz". STUPID MEME!!! :burnmad:


Haha, Mythbusters, Hitchhikers' Guide and Japanese FTW! Too bad we can't learn Japanese here in the states, it would be so much more usual than Spanish...






They really focus on Japanese and French here. I've been studying Japanese for eight years or so, and I'm only in Year 10!


Thanks; I'll put that up now! :happy:

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