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Time To Choose....



You know what I hate about having an epiphany? It comes out of the blue and slams you upside the head with the force of a dozen stampeding buffaloes spooked by a predator in the foilage.


Well, it started out innocently enough. Here I am, cleaning my room as the neatfreak I am, and I suddenly take a look around me. Star Wars toys that haven't seen an actual star war since a long,long time ago in a galaxy far, far awa. Autobots and Decepticons settling for an eternal staring contest over the next ruler of Cybertron. Bionicles that'll probably never see the light of day again from within their dusty Rubbermaid tomb. And there they were, those dozen buffaloes thundering my way in a panic because some Hyena couldn't keep his furry little mouth shut. BOOM! I'm crushed undfoot, or underhoof, whatever:


"Why do I even need this stuff?"


I love many of these toys. I really do. Some bear more personal attatchment then others, but in the long run, I don't know why I'd let myself spend more money on things I'll show affection to for 42 hours and then forget about their existence. But I need money. Why? So I can pursue my active loves: video games, Warhammer 40K, manga and art, and just the general investment in the future.


I was gonna stop buying Bionicles after the original story arc ended. Hasbro finally stopped cranking out Clone Troopers that drew me to the toy aisles in Wal-Mart on stormy days. Heck, I could probably cut myself off from buying all but the coolest of Transformer figures. But the question really is, am I gonna get rid of this all? I couldn't get rid of my Bionicles, no. Well, probably the playsets, but not the figures I have been collecting for the past 7 years of my life that I still tinker with to this day. But I look to my Transformers and unopened Star Wars figures, and I can't help but wonder how much they'd sell for if I put them up on Ebay.


Qouthe The Gman:


"Time to choose..."


You couldn't have said it any better, my suitcase wielding friend.


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"Wake up and smell the ashes."

Well, that's the answer. Burn them all. :P



Ehh, I'm not so sure these guys would sell as much if they were "slightly worn" .

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Kach, prepare for unexpected consequences. Chuck 'em, save 'em, either way, just prepare for unexpected consequences when you do it.


EDIT: Oh, and if you sell 'em, be sure to send me the auction link.

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Kach, prepare for unexpected consequences. Chuck 'em, save 'em, either way, just prepare for unexpected consequences when you do it.


What sort of unexpected consequences are we talking about here?


Oh, and if any of you guys would want to buy some of these guys, I'll take it onto consideration. If I'm gonna sell these guys, I want to at least make sure they go to loving homes were they won't get eaten by a dog or strapped to a rocket and blown up for kicks.

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Put them in a box, seal it, place it in the attic, and give it five years or something. Think about it. When you reach your decision, you'll be happy with it and any things you sell will be worth more than they are now.
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Put them in a box, seal it, place it in the attic, and give it five years or something. Think about it. When you reach your decision, you'll be happy with it and any things you sell will be worth more than they are now.


I got similiar advice from my parents. I guess in the long run, yeah, you're right. None the less, The need for immediate money is fairly high- so I might sell of these things...

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Kach, prepare for unexpected consequences. Chuck 'em, save 'em, either way, just prepare for unexpected consequences when you do it.


What sort of unexpected consequences are we talking about here?


Oh, and if any of you guys would want to buy some of these guys, I'll take it onto consideration. If I'm gonna sell these guys, I want to at least make sure they go to loving homes were they won't get eaten by a dog or strapped to a rocket and blown up for kicks.


Unexpected = cannot be guessed until it happens, so I don't know. Also that's a Gman quote.

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Kach, prepare for unexpected consequences. Chuck 'em, save 'em, either way, just prepare for unexpected consequences when you do it.


What sort of unexpected consequences are we talking about here?


Oh, and if any of you guys would want to buy some of these guys, I'll take it onto consideration. If I'm gonna sell these guys, I want to at least make sure they go to loving homes were they won't get eaten by a dog or strapped to a rocket and blown up for kicks.


Unexpected = cannot be guessed until it happens, so I don't know. Also that's a Gman quote.



I was wondering if we had a specific area of unexpected in mind, but I guess not >,>

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If you sell any of them, I has moneyz! =D


If it were me (like the packrat I am) I would probably keep them all and when ever I happen to have some extra money on me and I see a new one which looks cool to me and has any sentimental value heck I would probably end up buying it.


What you could do is sell the ones that you don't have any feel towards them, like you don't care if you keep them, or not and sell those ones and get some money out of it. I remember when I sold all of my Transformers a few years back, some of them I didn't miss (Optimus, Hot shot, and there was another...), but there were some I dreadfully missed (Starscream, Megs, Arcee, Sideways) and I couldn't get them back.


In the end it is your choice of whether or not to keep all of them, but an easier way (more for me) was to sell some and keep the rest.

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Put them in a box, seal it, place it in the attic, and give it five years or something. Think about it. When you reach your decision, you'll be happy with it and any things you sell will be worth more than they are now.

Or, they could become utterly worthless...

-Glances at box of pokemon cards-


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*raises hand*


I'll have them.


The transformers? Something tells me you're not interested in the Star Wars stuff.

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^ :P

I had a Garage sale not to long ago were I sold alot of my old action figures. Kept the Transformers, and other items of sentimentel value though.


If you really need the money sell just enough to make it for you immediatly and the rest later, and try to sell the things of least sentimental value first.

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Ooh, the deep decision of a packrat. I've had to make these several times. Right now, I'd say you should get rid of the Star Wars figures. Keep the TFs and Bionicles because we need you in TFD:O and BZP.


EDIT: Actually, lay them all out. Then decide which ones hold the most sentimental value. That's what it comes down to: pathetic yet wonderful sentiment.

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You know


Pending the transformers you have and pending if you have all the parts I'd be willing to buy some


Namely any and all Motorcycle transformers.


And possibly others. But mostly the motorcycles.

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