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An Exciting Thursday Wrap-up



This is going to be a quicker entry, as I have a few places I'm going to stop by in regards to work. The school year is fast approaching, and if I can't find something soon who knows how much time I'll have once classes start. Not to mention the expenses I'm already incurring...let alone book fees.


Fic News:

Well, the results are in, and I'm proud to say that my Epic Contest entry has been named winner. I'm so excited! This is my first ever contest win in the 5 years I've been at BZP. I've made it to the finals in a few BBCs, and I scored runner-up in the first two Comedy Contests...but never a win until now. It was such a tough competition, with a lot of good entries, I would've felt lucky to just get an honorable mention. I'm eagerly awaiting more writing contests, as the last one really got my creative spark going again. If you'd like to read the Entry, now named "Proving Grounds", feel free to click the appropriate links.


Inuva News:

*dun dun dununununun* Some of you may have noticed the new link in my sig. After finishing The Alliance and getting pumped up by writing my Contest entry, I've gone ahead and began the Inuva fic. I thought about the title, and I thought that "Rebirth Of Fusion" would be perfect. So far it's only the prolouge, but expect more chapters as I figure out my schedule. I'll let you know if there's going to be significant down time. I really want to promise it won't be another Alliance as far as delays go...but I can't promise it'll be added to on a regular basis.


Haven News:

As you can see, I've added a few more buttons and changed the position of some of the content blocks. Every appears to work on my screen, but I'd be willing to make a few changes if there was some appearance problems with other users. I don't mind some feedback, so let me know if you're having problems with any of the links or if the format is messing with your navigation. I'll see what I can do on my end to make things work. Also, thanks to those who have rated the Haven. It was a pleasant surprise to log on and see some stars next to the name. I'd also like to thank HGM for another fine entry in my place. He's definately shown the enthusiasm we look for in our crew here at the Haven.


Other News:

As HGM let you know, no good word on the job front yet. I had one interview yesterday and another one that's up in limbo (I've been playing phone tag for the last few weeks on this one). Another place isn't hiring for a few more weeks but did take my application and contact info. I've got a few places left to turn, and then I'm sorta stuck until the Job Fairs start up here on campus. It's Part-Time or Internships that I'm looking for right now, as the Intern position is all I'm missing before I can finish up my four-year degree.


That's should do it for today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be off. There's jobs awaiting...I just need to find them.


Recommended Comments

You know, I've heard good things about this Blog, but I never really got around to seeing it. It's gonna take me a few days to read up on all this awesome...


Fic News:

I'll be sure to catch up on it. The idea of Sunari was an awesome gimmick, and I'm certain spawned several awesome renditions.


Inuva News:

I didn't even know you had it planned, but I loved the idea from the start. I'll be sure to keep in tune with the news.


Haven News:

Wow... This place is... I need to get Biomech on the phone and show him this place. 'Tis a sight to be seen.


Other News:

Good luck on the job front. Apply to pretty much everywhere you could see yourself working. Something's bound to pull through.

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I'll be sure to catch up on it. The idea of Sunari was an awesome gimmick, and I'm certain spawned several awesome renditions.

Definatly do that. The description provided was just enough to create the character, but vauge enough to leave her open to many different interpretations.

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well, congrats on winning the contest.

Yay! The Inuva fic is up! I'm starting to read it.


And on the note of the Haven's look: I don't thinking putting bars on both sides it the best idea. It cramps up the blog content. Plus it's almost impossible to read replies without copying the post and pasting it into "notepad" or somthing.


And good luck on a job somewhere.

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I've noticed that problem when viewing the blogs on other computers, unfortunately I haven't had that same opportunity with my own. I'll start messing around with layouts and see if I can't get something which works better.

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