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Snakes On A Haven




My friends and I literally just got back from the first showing here in town. And I'll let you know there's no point to stay after for the credits, except for the music video. The song is catchy, but aside from that there's none of that extra scene stuff that movies have liked to do lately.

I don't know to what extent I'd be allowed to discuss the movie here, so I'll just make it quick....it's a classic. If you're able to see it (as in, of age) then do it. It's hilarious. The story takes itself serious, and the biggest surprise involves one of the flight attendants. But otherwise it's just one of those movies that'll go down in legend.

SoaP is going to be our generation's Rocky Horror...without all that other stuff that goes with that movie. But I can't get over how hilarious the whole event was. The crowd was into it, and the overall attitude made the movie that much more enjoyable. To those who honestly want to see this, go soon. Otherwise the crowds will shift to those that are going expecting to see an actual movie, and they're not going to be like the ones I saw this with.

SoaP is going to be a financial success...and I have a feeling it's going to be number one for at least it's opening weekend. It's just that kinda movie. And who knows what to expect come the DVD release. This is already a cult classic.

One minor nitpick. Technically, there are no snakes on the plane. They are all in the plane. But to paraphrase a certain comedian...forget getting on the plane, I'm getting in the plane. Let Evil Kineval get on the plane. Besides that, I've got no complaints.

Now, the after party was another story. After getting back to the Haven, we found a few pinatas had been delivered to the doors. Now, HGM was supposedly in charge of checking them out, but from the looks of things that wasn't what happened. I guess there was an advance screening of the movie in the Digital World. So go figure he left his post just long enough for these to get dropped off by an unknown caller.

But you know, we were pumped up from the movie. So we brought them in, hung them up, and started fooling around. Well, wouldn't you know...the first one gets busted open and out falls this big snake thing. Well naturally, the guests start freaking out. And since I don't have Sammy J's number (at least not handy) I do the only thing I can think of and call out HGM. One thing needs to another, and the next thing you know there's a full on Digimon assault in the lounge of the Haven.

An hour later, I'm still cleaning up. I didn't bother breaking open the second pinata, but that's mostly because it was obliterated in the brawl. If you haven't seen to Perfect Level Digimon duke it out in person, you haven't lived. But that's another story, and to sum it up quickly I'll say Sandiramon is still out there. And really, that's all I need right now. I've got classes, a job, finances, and now two rival Digimon who have their eyes on moving in.

But really, all that's not so bad. Because I saw Snakes On A Plane, and nothing can take that away.


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I envy you so incredibly much.


It's good to hear it really is pure awesome, though. It's not like they were trying to pass it off as anything Oscar-winning in the ads and said ads were being honest with what it really is (two hours of condensed joy), but still... there's always that sliver of uncertainty. And now that those fears have been put to rest by a fair few sources... I need to see this movie.


Oh this is definitely gonna be all-day envy at the very least.

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What are snakes doing on a plane?

Causing one heck of a mess for our beloved hero, Sammy J. ;)


I wasn't paying much attention to the plot, though there is one. But it's something to do with an attempt to kill a witness to a crime. It's convoluted at best, I could've honestly just gone with a bunch of snakes in the cargo hold getting loose.

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But to paraphrase a certain comedian...forget getting on the plane, I'm getting in the plane.

<3 George Carlin.


I'm going to go see it. I'm not even sure why. It's basically come to the point though where there's no question about it. I'm going to have to set time aside for those snakes on a plane. I'm going to do it, and I'm going to like it. So there.

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