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Bestest. Song. Evar.



It's the Phantoka commercial song, Gravity Hurts. None of the previous songs officially linked with Bionicle have been close to this good, in my opinion. I've probably listened to this song twenty times in two days. It's a powerful anthem, I think, with a powerful message, if you know how to listen. And, boy, those vocals are really something, not to mention the artistry on drums, keyboard and guitar.



Click to listen - right click and Save as to download


Tension is rising

Gravity hurts

Everything's falling apart


Choosing the right side

Choosing our faith

Choosing is what we must do

Everyone's counting on you




For freedom we rise

Learn to fly

Reach the sky

Legend will carry you


...thousands of miles

Take a stand

Hold the land

Make sure that everyone's


...ready to win

Find the speed

All you need

Team up for battle

We fly, fly...


We fly

Gravity hurts




Creatures keep coming

Reaching within

Stealthy they climb from the dark

Yeah yeah


Searching for wisdom

Searching for truth

Show us the things you can do

Maybe it's all up to you

Yeah yeah


Chorus 3x






Composer (+keyboards): Mikkel Maltha

Producer: Eddie Simonsen

Vocal: Niels Brinck

Guitar: Kasper Søderlund




Recommended Comments

I think it's quite bad. Every song just went downward after "Creeping in my soul", not counting the licensed songs. The vocals are almost monotonic, the instrumentals are okay, but goodness, it's all metal. It does not feel BIONICLE. And the instrumentals and vocals don't go together. At all.

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Isn't that just a Bionicle song?


Edit @ Zip: Are you saying you LIKED CIMS? Man, that song was awful. Some bizarre almost-rapping in there too...
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I think it's quite bad. Every song just went downward after "Creeping in my soul", not counting the licensed songs. The vocals are almost monotonic, the instrumentals are okay, but goodness, it's all metal. It does not feel BIONICLE. And the instrumentals and vocals don't go together. At all.



Don't worry, Zip bashes everything. :P



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No, I just have different views of things. Different is good.


@Bunda: Creeping in my soul was good, ethereal, and different. The overusing of hard rock is cliche in many themes. And the rapping wasn't excessive.

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Edit @ Zip: Are you saying you LIKED CIMS? Man, that song was awful. Some bizarre almost-rapping in there too...

Qft and stuff.

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I love the very beginning.


The very very beginning.


The drum intro.

Yeah, it does a good job leading into the song.


I think it's quite bad. Every song just went downward after "Creeping in my soul", not counting the licensed songs. The vocals are almost monotonic, the instrumentals are okay, but goodness, it's all metal. It does not feel BIONICLE. And the instrumentals and vocals don't go together. At all.

What is metal? What is BIONICLE?


As for the quality of vocals, it's a matter of taste. How do they not go together with the instrumentals? Maybe I am just a newbie when it comes to music...


Isn't that just a Bionicle song?



Edit @ Zip: Are you saying you LIKED CIMS? Man, that song was awful. Some bizarre almost-rapping in there too...

I never said it was anything other than a Bionicle song.


Creeping in My Soul was weird, jarring and nauseating. To me, that is.


No, I just have different views of things. Different is good.


@Bunda: Creeping in my soul was good, ethereal, and different. The overusing of hard rock is cliche in many themes. And the rapping wasn't excessive.

Different is different. Yes, CIMS has good parts. But, "I hope you will be -- creeping in my soul?" For me, there's too much non sequitur weirdness, I can't follow any kind of logic. And what's with "feeding off the spine?" Whose spine? Mine? Ugh.


Edit @ Zip: Are you saying you LIKED CIMS? Man, that song was awful. Some bizarre almost-rapping in there too...

Qft and stuff.

What does QFT mean?


Never mind, I just Googled it. "Quoted for Truth." Learn something new every day.



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I wasn't bashing the fact that it's a Bionicle song, I was just clarifying. I really need to work on my communication... >_>

I have to admit, I don't think I've ever heard the song. I usually mute Bionicle.com so I don't get made fun of by my older siblings...

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I haven't heard any of the Bionicle songs in a while...but I downloaded it because of this blog post. :D I enjoyed it...not quite my favorite song ever, but not bad either. I still think my favorite was that first one(Hero?).

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I love this song too. The opening reminds me of a tropical island, like Mata Nui, so of course from that point it totally works for Bionicle. Especially the Nuva. Starting out on the paradise of Mata Nui, then they go off to battle in Karda Nui...


And then the rest of the song just sweeps you up and carries you away and makes great battle music, perfect for the Phantoka... awesome guitars and drums indeed.


I'm still not that fond of the singer's voice, but I've gotten so used to it that I don't mind it at all now. I'd still love an instrumental version, though, since I love the ... there's a term for this ... non-vocal stuff. I've been asking Bink to put one up, but he hasn't. :P

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