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An Open Letter



Dear Hasbro/Takara/Cartoon-makers-


Enough G1 nostalgia marketing. If G1 fanboys aren't sated by now, they never will be.


Instead of all this G1 aimed merchandise, please consider merchandise aimed at the most important branch of TF lore:


Beast Wars.


I need some Beast Wars nostalgia love. I'm running low, HasTakCartoonist amalgamation. I demand that Classics 3.0 be launched immediately featuring exclusively Beast Wars characters.




I <3 Beast Wars.


With love,



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Be careful. We might end up with another Cybertron "Optimus Primal"


Man that thing was ugly.



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Hey man, you're gonna have to share the 25th anniversary line with the Geewunners and the rest of us (Geetwo-ers?, Armadalings...).


Right now, you're going to have to take your brand spanking new 25th Deluxe Cheetor mold and inevitable Tigatron and/or Shadow Panther/Ravage repaints...


While I sit here with nothing to honor G2 except a couple LOC repaints...


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Right now, you're going to have to take your brand spanking new 25th Deluxe Cheetor mold and inevitable Tigatron and/or Shadow Panther/Ravage repaints...


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We already know they're up for it after the Robot Heroes Tigatron VS Inferno listing leaked. Hopefully the panel at SDCC will tell us more.


Speaking of which, we need a new Dinobot mold, no more of this skeleton sagging stomach look, give me a nice looking raptor...and then promptly repaint into dalmation Grimlock...


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Saw that new Cheetor... nice, except the eyes better be colored better.


First off though, they NEED to get better sculptors and designers.


"Ooh, Venom car looks GREAT! Awww... his robot form blows..."

"Ooh, a cool black and green jet in the movie line awww, his robot form blows..."


I dunno' man... I can't remember the last time I bought a Transformer.

They're like noob mocers... get some things right, but mess up horribly on others.

Even worse, making the same mistakes year after year, like a kid not taking logical criticism.


I like how the NEW Beachcomber fig has WORSE arms than the original G1 one does.

And the upcoming redo of G1 Bumblebee? YeeeEEEeeesh...


Too corporate. That's HasTak's problem.

They NEED to hire that "jizaitoys" guy, PRONTO.


(Google jizaitoys, I'm tired).

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Saw that new Cheetor... nice, except the eyes better be colored better.


First off though, they NEED to get better sculptors and designers.


"Ooh, Venom car looks GREAT! Awww... his robot form blows..."

"Ooh, a cool black and green jet in the movie line awww, his robot form blows..."


I dunno' man... I can't remember the last time I bought a Transformer.

They're like noob mocers... get some things right, but mess up horribly on others.

Even worse, making the same mistakes year after year, like a kid not taking logical criticism.


I like how the NEW Beachcomber fig has WORSE arms than the original G1 one does.

And the upcoming redo of G1 Bumblebee? YeeeEEEeeesh...


Too corporate. That's HasTak's problem.

They NEED to hire that "jizaitoys" guy, PRONTO.


(Google jizaitoys, I'm tired).

Blahblahblah, buy Animated Jazz.

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Ah it will be good to see Tarantulas, Rampage, and the rest of the gang (I dig insanity). Terrorize and ROCK ON!

Just don't mention Beast Machines to me. Emo Silverbolt/Vehicon General was enough to make me hate it.

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