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Saving Up For A Laptop Is Cake

Danska: Shadow Master


Um, perhaps cake was the wrong word. After all, saving up is an action and cake is a physical thing, therefore the two cannot be the same, so it must indeed be the wrong word. I think the word I was looking for is 'hard'. Yeah, easy to get those two mixed up.


As the title may have indicated, I am saving up for a laptop. I actually have enough to buy one now, but should I do so I'd end up with almost no money - a very undesirable prospect. So I'm going to try and nab another £500 or so. Thinking about it, that could take a while. I'm not sure I'll even have it by the end of the summer - especially not as I'm going on holiday late August. It also means I'll have to be much more careful about spending, which sadly includes things like Bionicle sets and a series of books I've started that I want to buy the next four of. Saving money has never been a strong point of mine, but if it means I can replace the old piece of junk I'm currently using it'll be more than worth it I feel.


In other news, I did something shocking yesterday. I went round to my friend's house with a couple of other people where we set up a Wii and played Brawl (no, this isn't the shocking part). As we're all on holiday, that happens a lot. The shocking part comes next. We decided to go...OUTSIDE!!! The great outdoors! The wildy wildy (as my friend says)! That place with wierd green...things...and dangerous natural light! I'm not sure I've quite recovered.


In other news, I've finally got my hands on a Tryna which means I now own at least one instance of every different plastic mask mold to date, with the exception of the Mistika masks. I'm quite pleased with myself now.


Right then. I have absolutely nothing of importance to be doing right now, so I'm going to run off and not do those important things because they don't exist. Until next muffin...I mean time!


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