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In Bruges



Not really. Somewhere in France, though.


I was gone for a few days after the BZP-dun-work Crisis, and apparently my pride and joy, CoF, was stolen by some three-year-old and pasted onto another website, claiming it was his own along with several other RPGs from past contests.


Now, most people would go easy on mentally challenged three-year-olds whose capacity for computer usage consists entirely of Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and eating things they find off the ground. However, I am not so merciful.


Stealing is bad, dudes. And stealing other people's ideas in a desperate attempt to inflate your own ego and look cool to all the other drooling babies in the playpen is just sad.


I mean, I never do that.




*ahem* Anyway.


But what really ticks me off is that the whole thing was solved without me. I just finally get onto a computer for the first time in days and find out that I have two PMs: one telling me that someone stole my idea, and the other saying that it was taken care of. I mean. they even had the evidence deleted, so I couldn't register on the forum and make snide remarks. :(


I mean, come on guys! You gotta wait up for me! My Sherlock Holmes costume has been collecting dust for years, and the one time I get a chance to use it, the whole freaking mystery gets solved without me! I wanted to unmask the Creeper! ;__;




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14 year old.

And I had known you were in France, I would have sneaked past the border and dragged you to my computer. But you didn't, so THAR.


The sad thing is, only AWGM was being played by people, 32 pages and it had been going on for a long time.

CoF had barely two pages. Probably 'cuz he changed Vampires with Energy Leeches.



Bruges would be close, why didn't you come to Belgium? Because I'm here. ;_;

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While stealing is COMPLETELY wrong, you could also compare it next to admiration.

This dude thought your work was very good, hence the copying. Good and bad at the same time.

This dude did not ask your permission first. STEALING.

So you could look at it both ways (and I'm not saying it's right, so don't accuse me of that).



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Man, I would have been happy if I didn't have to deal with that. I would have probably exploded in a fiery ball of righteous fury. And then no one would ever love me. ;_;

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Munki missed the thing but nobody loves him anyway.


Ka-chan however exploded but she does that all the time and we still love her. :P

Truest words, mate.

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This is why the Internet sucks.


That and Munki.

Munki missed the thing but nobody loves him anyway.


Quoted for LIES.

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Hmm, Nihy and Sets found and solved it and Ka-Chan and Wrack took part, which makes them Freddy, Velma, Daphne and Shaggy (I don't know who's who, fight it out among yourselves)

Which leaves you as Scooby. lol

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Hmm, Nihy and Sets found and solved it and Ka-Chan and Wrack took part, which makes them Freddy, Velma, Daphne and Shaggy (I don't know who's who, fight it out among yourselves)

Which leaves you as Scooby. lol

I wanna be the crazy old man they meet on the side of the road.

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I'm the police officer who has no idea how to do my job and lets four teens and a dog do it for me despite that the villain can be caught by four teens and a dog...

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