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Long Update Aye?

Lady Kopaka


Wow, well these are one of those days where I have so much to say in so little time, so prepare for a long entry. :P


Well, for starters....Today is Thursday? Well on Monday, dad took me on a 'dad date' that he promised to do for my birthday and never did, but finally did.

Anyway, we went to Wal-Mart, Books-A-Million and Sonic. I wasn’t really overjoyed to go to Wally World, but I needed a bookbag and I knew I saw a really cool one there. (Think Pirates everyone...) So I get there, and guess what? I couldn't find it. In fact, I couldn't find the bookbags or backpacks AT ALL. My guess their out of stock...Because WM was awfully crowded, I guess it was because of last minute school supplies.


So I decide to go find that Master and Commander Soundtrack I saw, but sadly, it wasn’t there either. >< So I was annoyed, so I go to look for a certain DVD, and it wasn’t there either! So I decide to go see if they had Sims 2 Nightlife(Which they did), so I was about to buy it when...when....I saw a Pirates of the Caribbean game. :lol: I couldn't help it, so I bought that instead. It was about 30 dollars, so I don't think I wasted my money on it like I did with Guild Wars, so now my official limit of games is thirty and under.

But the game is really fun, and in the files of it, I got the music from it along with some really cool sound effects and stuff. So I got my money out of it.


But I just remember I need a few other things. (Amp, etc) So I am saving up again, which is that bad, since I had 5 dollars left over from the game, and dad is paying 10 dollars for some work I did, and mom be paying my chore money soon, so it'll work out. :)


Now, skipping to Wednesday night, dad and I leave about an hour and a half so I and my friend could practice guitars/drums.

Thinking over, I don’t think my friends want to start a band, but my one friend (Lauren) still likes the idea, so we are probably going to be a 2 man band, even though it would be nice to find a lead singer since we two don’t think we sing very well, but I think I will ask dad for help on singing, and I could do it. As Laur wants to do drums, and I am focused on guitar. (But we’ll switch around sometimes)

Also, we’re thinking of band names….A little boy from our church suggested it to be called ‘The father, the Daughter and the Best Friend’. I like it A LOT, but my dad ain’t going to be in it. XD

We thought for awhile about it being called ‘The Flying Dutchman’. But we are neither Dutch nor men.

So then we thought about the ‘Pirates who don’t do anything’. Or something around that, but we decided that isn’t very original.

So we are kind of stuck. *Shrugs* Any ideas would be nice. :)


After that, we left for a sleepover with some other girls from my church at a teacher who used to be teaching our class. It was really fun and well….crazy as ever. We watched a lot of my friend’s homemade movies and music videos, talked, acted weird, played some board games, and also had fun with our teacher’s two little kids. They are so cute!


So…Here I am, sitting at my desk typing away, and my sister yelling at me to get off so she can get on. So I’ll have to post around on BZP later. Because I have a feeling she is going to go tell on me…. (For nothing of which I have done, save for write this entry)


Anyway, I think I have finally decided on how I can fix up me blog. But ye will all have to wait!


So yall come back ya hear? :pirate:


Recommended Comments

Hmm... well, to go with "Lady Kopaka", you could go with "Ladies of Ice" or "Ice Girls" or something. Or if you're leaning towards a pirate theme... I dunno. I'm not good at making band names. :P


That "Pirates" game... Would that be "The Legend of Jack Sparrow?"

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"Festive Fire"



I don't know, I was just trying to get a cool meaning behind it, kind of like Casting Crowns or Newsboys. :)

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This sounds like a "whimsical aclaimed masterpeice of your life"

- Ultra Toa Times... So, are you gonna take me advise on a new name? I thought the one from last entry was really good, mstly cause I'm in it... Sounds like a fun weak, I wish I could go invisible like YOU...Yeah, that would be great...



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