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Conspiracy Theory #204

ToM Dracone


Conspiracy theory #204: the Brotherhood of Makuta is actually good.


And no, I don't have the slightest shred of evidence to support this. But I can explain everything! Really! (Well, almost. Not Mata Nui. Help?)




• The Order of Mata Nui and Brotherhood of Makuta are secretly allies.


• Their common enemy is the Dark Hunters.


• In order to conceal the identity of the destined Toa Metru, Mata Nui changed the stars to show that Nuhrii & Co. would become Toa. The Order then planted evidence to support this, and Makuta revealed the identity of the true Toa (Vakama & Co.) to Lhikan in a dream, so that they would be safe until they became Toa.


• Makuta, knowing of the Dark Hunters' desire to capture the strategically-located city of Metru Nui, takes the place of Turaga Dume to maintain a watch on the city.


• Makuta summons Nidhiki and Krekka to Metru Nui to capture Lhikan, thus turning the new Toa Metru adamantly against the Dark Hunters.


• By killing Nidhiki and Krekka, Makuta not only increases his own power but causes the Shadowed One and Sentrakh to come to Metru Nui. When Makuta fought them and revealed that he had killed the two Dark Hunters, he singlehandedly instigated the Brotherhood-Dark Hunter war.


• This war distracted the Dark Hunters while the Matoran (whom Makuta had put into the spheres for their protection) relocated to Mata Nui.


• When the Piraka set out to find the Mask of Life, the Order rearranged the stars to tell of Mata Nui's imminent death and the Ignika, causing Dume to send the Toa Nuva to find the mask, keep it from the Piraka, and eventually bring it to Mata Nui to guard it.


• Around the time of the Toa-Dark Hunter war, the Brotherhood pretended to turn to evil. By acting as having the same motives and desires as the Dark Hunters, they gained greater power and influence over them and could buy such services as eliminating enemies of the Matoran, perceived as rivals of the Brotherhood.


• This act caused such servants of the Brotherhood as the Toa Hagah to rebell. The Brotherhood let them steal the Avohkii to be eventually placed in a safer spot on Metru Nui, where it would be better hidden. At the same time, the Brotherhood sent truly evil servants of theirs such as Roodaka to mutate the Toa Hagah, both turning them against Roodaka and the Visorak and inspiring them to search for Keetongu. If the Rahaga found Keetongu, they would be better armed against the Visorak, who were in the control of Sidorak, who actually was evil.


• Although the Visorak takeover of Metru Nui was against the actual plan of the Brotherhood's, the Rahaga's presense there helped the Toa Hordika against them. Similarly, Roodaka's devotion to Makuta resulted in him being freed when she was attacked by the Hordika.


• Throughout all this, the Order remained secret and unknown to the general universe. Because the Brotherhood was perceived as being evil, it gave the two greater cover to do good in secret, and thus without being attacked, as nobody knew there was such an organization to try and stop.





(And for Mata Nui's sake, don't take any of this too seriously.)

– ToM


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Well, I must say, this is a well-planned and quite possible theory. I never really thought of it this way, but now that you meantion it, it does all fit...


Good thinking, ToM. ^_^ I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.



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You are one of the best conspirasists (or whatever they're called :P) ever. :blink:


Really. That's awesome. I'm gonna check out the rest of your blog now.


As for some flaws, I don't think the secret alliance would sacrifice the Toa Hagah. Though your conspiracy is still possible. :rolleyes:



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You know, that makes sense.


But...I have the feeling that Lego wouldn't make the Bionicle storyline quite that complicated...:P Still, thanks for the intriguing read. B)

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Wow... That does make a whole lot of sense. There aren't any plot holes that I can find in anything you mentioned except that if the Brotherhood were good all along, how was Mata Nui put to sleep? But you already addressed that, so yeah.


I kind of doubt this is actually gong to be done or carried out due to the complexity of it, but it would make for a good epic, assuming it were carried out right. :)


Excellent idea; very well thought-out. Fun read, too. ^_^








Of course it's not going to be done. That would take all the fun out of it!

– ToM

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