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Too Much To Do

ToM Dracone




I'm about to be gone for about a month. Until next Wednesday, I'll be in Delaware, visiting family; after that we're spending a week and a half in Belgium, and when we finally come back we're spending the rest of the time touring New England, visiting colleges and then attending theatrical things with family friends. It's a lot to do with little rest time, but it should be fun.


BUT. I still have to finish my BBCC 50 entry and my Brickfair poster, because I have no time after tomorrow to build and only until Wendesday to draw. The latter being in order for there to be time for it to be printed and then sent off. If all else fails, my BBCC entry won't have everything I had planned, since Tiome Inatu is being more difficult than I had anticipated, but I know I can finish the other half (well, more like two-thirds by volume) tomorrow.


Why tomorrow? Because three of my friends and I have been planning a Lord of the Rings-watching sleepover party and we're finally having it tonight. =D Inconvenient timing, but it will be so much fun it's worth it.


I'm in a rush right now, but here's a preview of the poster, what I've done so far – note that none of the Toa are finished yet, and I left Onua's head and arms blank since they were being difficult.





~ ToM


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Sweet program you used. I bet it had a pretty hefty price.


Ah, it's great to sit down and watch a great marathon with your friends. I need to have another one sometime.


As always, I can't wait for your BBCC 50. Ninjo Inatu was great, and I think it should have made it father. Was it overlooked?



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I had a LOTR party with my grandma, sister, and neighbor... it was awesome. We started with the animated Hobbit and went from there.

Grandma was the only one to make it all through the night. :lol:

She's crazy.

Awesome art... my favorite bits are the feet... how you blended the old with the new...

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The poster looks good, shame I won't be able to see it in person... :(


Just wanted to ask you. I recently got Takanvua, and I have a single Bitil wing. Do you want me to make your Onua limb in real life, though I don't have the back fin?



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Too much to do is dandy, but it can be rather wearing on a fellow.


I'm in awe at your Nuva art.



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Your CGing is so realistic, I'm in awe.


I love what you did with Pohatu's toe additions--very creative! And while I'm on feet, I see you noticed that some of the newer foot parts (Kopaka Phantoka's in particular) look like embellished Toa Mata feet. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that.


The light reflections of Kopaka Nuva's wings hearken back to that time when Lyger reshaded the sword of your aliased Pridak--I see you're putting his advice to good use. Great job. ^_^

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Your CGing is so realistic, I'm in awe.


I love what you did with Pohatu's toe additions--very creative! And while I'm on feet, I see you noticed that some of the newer foot parts (Kopaka Phantoka's in particular) look like embellished Toa Mata feet. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that.

Fabulously creative. In fact, until I read Dok's post I hadn't even noticed. Fabulous job.


Even though I, too, designed the Phantoka feet as embellished Toa Mata feet, I hadn't even thought of how ownage making Pohatu's into new foot additions would be. Hope you don't mind if I go ahead and try to incorporate that into my own designs.


I'll be at Brickfair to see the finished product. :) Can't wait!

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Because three of my friends and I have been planning a Lord of the Rings-watching sleepover party and we're finally having it tonight.


Extended edition or not?


The pic look really good BTW, but is Pohatu your Project Phantoka design or something different?

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he said he used photoshop to colour it, didn't he? (i think)


anyway, i'm a litlle bit in the dark here.what's the poster for? is it sort of an advertisement for an upcoming moc?


i see you used the two finger theme from the bionicle game.



yays for lord of the rings marathon, but you want to stay up all night, try a star wars marathon (all six movies!)

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