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On Brawl

mercenary vahki


I recently went to my friend's house, and he has a Wii. So that's what we did for a fair amount of time.


And now to the point. Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I own a Nintendo 64 and owned a Gamecube, along with their respective SSB titles. Now these were fun games, but as I was exposed to new styles and genres of games, the simple charms of yesteryear were superseded by advanced gameplay, graphics and plot. So as I went into SSBB, I didn't have the massive expectations that have infected the internet so thoroughly.


And guess what happened? I liked it.


But only to an extent. As my time with the game grew close to an hour, I began to tire of the repetitive action, unbalanced characters, and sub-par graphics. You see, classifying it as a fighting game is really deceiving. Fighting games have precise moves, deep combat systems, and much more. Comparing Street Fighter 2 to Brawl is like comparing Portal to it's flash version: Both are good, but one stands out as the true champion.


In conclusion, go play Street Fighter. Or Call of duty 4. Or Halo. Or any other outstanding game.


In before fanbois


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