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Kataang = Win



Just got done watching the 2 hour Avatar series finale. IT WAS EPIC! It was so unbelievably awesome, I can't even describe it. Spoilers below:


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If any of you have really been into the show, you'd realize that the entire secondary storyline is about whether Katara would end up with Aang (the "theory" being called Kataang) or with Zuko (the "theory" being called Zutara). I never really took a side in the theory, but I knew that it was more likely for Katara to be with Aang, and it turns out that I was right. ^_^


I also wondered how Aang would defeat the Fire Lord since the show had never really "killed" anyone. In the end, Aang uses a new ability that he obtains from a massive Lion-turtle to take away the Fire Lord's ability to bend fire. Once his firebending was gone, he was incredibly easy to apprehend and imprison. Azula essentially lost her mind to paranoia and delusions, and the combined effort of Zuko and Katara brought her down (only to be imprisoned, not killed). Zuko obtained the title "Fire Lord" and promised to bring peace to the new world with the help of Avatar Aang.


The firebending was absolutely awesome throughout the entire movie. The comet granted firebenders incredible power, and they definitely used it to their advantages. Aang was able (in the end) to enter the Avatar State and he quickly showed how powerful he really was.


Disappointing aspects of movie were as follows: Zuko never actually finds out what happened to his mother in the movie. We are left to assume he finds out later on. I, for one, would have liked to know what happened. Also, I think Azula went a little more crazy than paranoia would actually allow. :shrugs:


All in all, it was absolutely incredible, and I'm going to watch it again tonight (I recorded it).




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It was EPIC. It's definately no the end. I wish I had recorded it. It was great. Aang definately owned the Fire Lord.

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I am so speechless.... it was so beautiful..... I loved it.... It was amazing. I would have paid to go see it at the movies numerous times.



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