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The Moc Club



Well, I've finnally decided to recreate The MOC Club, based of the old one by Ca'gerrin (I would like to note that this is not the same club, and Ca is in no ways affiliated with it). This Club shall be for MOCers/MOCists who want to get together, and talk about MOCs, hold Blog based MOC contests, disscuss MOC designs, post WIPs to recieve criticism, post older MOCs to recieve criticism that they didn't get origionally, and to discuss the goings on in the BBC. This club shall be a slightly selective club, and the members must sumbit a "resume," containing reasons why they believe they should be in this club. By submitting this "resume," you are willingly sumbitting yourself (and your creations) to scrutiny from other members (i.e. myself, and some other members later on, if all goes well). You should PM me these "resumes, " and I will reply as soon as I can telling you if you have been accepted or if you've been denied (I will give reasons why for the denial, and you can always resubmit your "resume" later). There will be seperate entries in this blog where members of this Club can post their WIPs, old MOCs, disscuss MOC designs, notify others of new Blog contests and new BBC contest (All of these contests will be under the MOC Club catagory, accesable from the MOC Club content block that will soon be added). If club members wish, I will PM them when new replies are made to these entries. Also, only club members will be able to post in these entries (as they are meant for Club members), and any post by a nonmember of this club shall be deleted as soon as I'm aware of it (if they so desire, members can PM and tell me of such posts). Also, spam in any of these topics WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. These topics are meant for disscussion and criticism, and Spam attributes to neither of these. I will hold some MOC Club member only contests in my blog, but that does not mean that all of my contests will be MOC Club member specific. If you are not a MOC Club member, please do not try to enter the contests meant for MOC Club members.



(It would be nice if members included this in their blog or sig or wherever, but it's not required)
(as soon as I've posted this entry, I'll update this image so that it links to this entry)

For those members that wanted a purple one.


Reccent updates for the MOC Club will be found in the MOC Club content block, and so will members of the Club.

So, if you wish to join this club, PM me a resume (preferably containing your Brickshelf/Maj/other image hosting site realted thing and some specific MOCs you want to showcase, along with a few reasons why you should be able to join).

New updates (along with entries for disscussion) will be posted over the course of the next week or two, and a "Heirarchy" (if you will) will be constructed (the heirarchy will be only used if there are a boatload of members).

I've noticed in the Blog FAQ that I can't exclude members who want to join. So If you want to join, I can't exclude you, but please, don't join if you don't plan on participating in disscussion and such.



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Ah, what the heck. I'll join. Dibs on a heirarchy spot.


XD. Kidding. We should fight for that.


But yeh, I'm joining.


Edit: Folder

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I would've perfered it if you PM'd it to me, but I guess, posting it here is alright. And you will have to fight for that Heirachy spot.

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Yeh, I could've. But I didn't.


Sorreh >>. I figured you would link my name to it anyway. So it works. Kinda.


What kind of fight? Fistfight? I like those.

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I'll use the banner. Still, I'd appreciate a purple one. :P

I thought I'd already gave you my apprival....

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I'm interested.


If you need proof, I'll send you my WIP pics.



What exactly are the requirements?


...Oh, I'm not too late, am I?


...I have a feeling I am....



...I have a bad feeling about this...



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@~Konta~: Of course you can join! It would be nice if you sent me some Pics of your MOCs.

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@~Konta~: Of course you can join! It would be nice if you sent me some Pics of your MOCs.



Mkay, thanks!


I'm currently cleaning some older MOCs back from when I didn't know anything more than Toamods.


Once I'm done, I'll PM you my Brickshelf.




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*raises hand* I'm interested! I sent a PM. Even if I'm not admitted in, thanks for posting this, I'll get more and more ideas for custom legs. I hate those.
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Can I join? Oh, for my MOCs, click my user name and select "view user topics" Most of the topics there are MOCs.




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