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No, Lappy! Don't Die On Me!



*Laptop flatlines*


Yeah. The charger cord could take no more use, and now the laptop has an empty battery and no way to charge. Basically, the laptop is dead and my ability to get online will narrow and become much more inconvienent. So, yeah. A lot of things are gonna have to be put on hold, including my epic/comedy project and TFDO will certainly be slowed down until we can get the replacement charger a week from now- and I'm the one having to pay for it.


Like it's my fault the wire got crushed! How was I even supposed to know that you need to keep the cord straight to keep it from being corroded over time! C'mon, people! Cut me some slack!


... Bllleeech.


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The same thing happened to my Guitar Hero controller. It was the good one too! I had to play with a broken orange button. It's not fun. Ah well, me hopes you gets it fixed soon.
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Excuse me while I straighten every wire in my house. OO.png

Don't forget to straighten the wires in your walls and wear your safety gear. :)


I think what they mean by "straightening" the wires is not bending them beyond their tolerance point.






Now if you'll excuse me.... *straightens wires*



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I was about to cry cuz I thought you were talking of your puppy once. But anyway Bummer dude.


Holy crud, sorry XD .


...Why would I name a puppy Lappy?


But the laptop is kinda like a puppy to me ;__; ...

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My laptop's got a dead battery, but I can still get it to work by plugging it into the electricity. However, the cable on mine's intact. (Which is weird, because it's never straight.)

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