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Mistika Ii - Phantoka



Yes, yes It has been forever since I wrote my Article Mistika I...why do you ask?


Oh, you say I'm due in for another article? Especially as everyone already has the Mistika thus rendering my thoughts null and void?


You also say you're just a voice in my head and I'm talking out loud?




Now then. Mistika II - Phantoka


You see, you can't discuss the Mistika without discussing their predecessors--in this case the Phantoka. Just as it's difficult to discuss the Nuva without the Mata, or the Kal without the original character. The first iteration of something will inevitably be compared to the second, third, fourth, etc.


Now in order to clarify, had the Phantoka and Mistika been released seperately, we would not see this--but as they have been clearly divided--well, the comparisons will be made regardless.




When we last left our article the intrepid hero (IE: ME) had just discovered that the Toa Nuva would be re-released in set form. Naturally as I said before most old farts like myself were squeeing in joy.


And then came that other nasty side-effect of joy. Disbelief. Y'see, we've been around long enough--we saw what happened with the Matoran > Inika Transformation--heck, we even knew what happened with the Inika > Mahri transformation. And while the fandom was primarily happy with them, there were those voices of dissent asking "Hey, would a little resemblance hurt?"


And so it was that doubt began to creep into our hopeful mindset. Lost was the vision of the Toa Nuva restored, modified Nuva masks on their faces and new poseability technology giving the Toa Nuva the flexibility we always desired--now we saw visions of Mahri/Inika clones with bizarre masks. (Or at least I did. I know there was a sentiment of doubt that seeped through the fandom as well)


So while most were actively looking forward to the Nuva, the fandom again began to experience dissent, with some people actively nervous about the Nuva--or some simply not caring and not believing that TLC could pull it off (That'd be me folks =B )


And then the first images of the Phantoka came out: What were the reactions?


Near-universally positive from the majority of the Fandom. Most people were genuinely pleased with them--however on my side, the side of the "Old guard" shall we call it, most people were actively displeased. And I was certainly among them. Upon my first viewing of the Phantoka I was quite displeased, and remain so to this day--however saying such a thing is pointless without reasoning. Please allow me.


The Toa Mata to Toa Nuva transformation was something that while not reviled was also something that had the fandom up in arms for a while (Mainly due to those godawful masks). But in the end it was almost universally accepted that the Toa Nuva could easily be recognized as their progenitors and the matter was dropped.


The Phantoka do not have this. They may be wonderful sets full of many interesting pieces but they do not have the most important thing in the minds of people like me. They do not resemble their characters enough.


Let's go over the changes, shall we?


Lewa Nuva

First and foremost one of my favourite colours has been stricken from the records. Gone is Lewa's wonderful vibrant green--instead he now has Lime all over. Now I do not dislike Lime, in fact I find it a wonderful complimentary colour--but with that much lime and no contrasting or complimenting colour (Just a neutral grey) he ended up looking washed out.


The Mask has clearly changed--but we'll get to that in Mistika IIII - Kanohi


However one needs only look at him to see the difference. Jet engines for a Toa of Air? Most things didn't bother me. In fact the Jet engines whilst confusing are hardly a deal breaker, even his sword (singular) wasn't that upsetting. What was most curious, though, was the absolute change.


Pull out your Lewa Nuva original (If you have him) Thick lower legs and standard arms. Were I to attempt to reproduce this in set form I would say something like Inika Legs for legs and Metru legs as arms--instead we see that this has gone directly inverse. Now he has massively powerful and bulky arms--with skinny (And I do mean skinny) legs. It's simply bizarre.


However one of the interesting things about the Toa Nuva was their armor. The first sets to have such a thing--before the silver influx became nearly unbearable. Naturally this has vanished without a trace.


However I will not deny that the sword is very cool, and even somewhat reminiscent of his original Air Katana. Which is more than can be said about Lewa to Lewa Nuva.


Pohatu Nuva

We've already heard enough about the Orange/Yellow/Brown debate. It's getting rather old--however I will say that as a member of the Old Guard Pohatu--and Brown, were always my favourite. It was quite a dissapointment to see this colour dissapear.


However unlike Lewa the bright orange does contrast nicely against the grey and thus I have no complaints in that regard.


Again, however, look at the the proportions: Pohatu and Pohatu Nuva both had shorter arms and longer legs (Nuva had thicker legs as well). However they also had an inverse body, meaning slimmer shoulders than the other Toa! Pohatu Phantoka turned that on its head, keeping the thick legs--but then giving him massively lanky arms, and a hugely broad chest with no hips to speak of. How does this guy run?


But once again there is no hint of armor on him. Thus erasing the 'nuva' from the equation (in my eyes, at least)


I will say good on the designers for keeping the claws around in one form or another, though.


(Again, the mask will be hit upon in Mistika IIII - Kanohi)


Kopaka Nuva

The colours have stayed the same and we all breathe a sigh of relief. However the bizarre inclusion of gunmetal is just a headscratcher. Why why why?


Proportions wise I have little to complain about in regards to Kopaka, he is the best out of all of them in this regard. The wings I won't take into account as this is meant to show what differs them from the Nuva--and frankly you could slap that same pair of wings onto Kopaka Nuva and there'd be a neglible difference. Are they what I would give Kopaka for a means of flight? No, but that's not the point here.


The biggest complaint with Kopaka is oddly enough something that they had some success with both Lewa and Pohatu on. Weapon recognition.


While both Kopaka and Tahu always wielded a sword people could always recognize Kopaka because not only did he have a shield--his sword was different. Especially in nuva form, a dual-bladed STAFF of a blade. It was a glorious weapon.


So how then do Lewa and Pohatu Phantoka end up with weapons resembling their Nuva forms, and Kopaka winds up with a butterknife? I'm sorry, it's a butterknife.


So let us add up the similarities and differences, shall we?


Similar: Lime green. Sword

Different: Grey. Proportions.


Well that doesn't sound so bad, now does it? This is of course not factoring in the mask, nor the main sticking point the NON-Old guard have about the Phantoka. More on that later.



Similar: Claws.

Different: Grey. Proportions.


I suppose I can offer Pohatu a slight bonus here in that his feet are vaguely reminiscent of Toa Mata feet with attachments. However this still fails to take into account the mask or the main sticking point.



Similar: White. Proportions.

Different: Weapon. Grey.


So for the most part they all seem about equal, or at least the similarities seem to be equal to the differences, right?


Not exactly. The simple fact of the matter is that many of those similarities are also common amongst other things. For example Toa Nuju has similar proportions to Kopaka Phantoka (Minus the stubby arms) he's also white and grey, and the mask looks similar to boot!


See the problem the old guard has? These sets have taken heroes that we recognized instantly--even in their first transformation (Minus those uncoloured, unfinished prototypes. Whoo boy) and has made them recognisable as other characters. Now while some may take this as a homage, it's clearly not meant to be.


As for the Non-old guard? The number one complaint from this group is the fact that the Phantoka are basically Inika/Mahri with new masks and weapons. That's it.


BUT hope was yet on the Horizon! We had seen that LEGO was okay at making Villains with the Phantoka Makuta. Perhaps the Toa Mistika would redeem our faith in TLC? Once again we dared to hope...but still looked to the future with skeptical eyes.


Coming soon:

Mistika III - Mistika


Recommended Comments

We grouchos of the Old Guard have it rougher than most, dealing with the incongruities between the cherished, nostalgia-tinted Classic Version and its perceived mongrelization in the (decidedly lower-case) new version of our favourite Toa team.


I'm not one to complain, though. Sure, there are things that bug me about the new sets (and thank you Janus for articulating them on my behalf), but I'm a MOCist at heart. I don't buy the set as a display piece that I'm going to end up looking at for the balance of my Bionicle fanhood, I buy it for the freqin' awesome parts. And the Phantoka have some delicious parts indeed. That's as far as I need to go, personally. Story is story, sets are sets, but it's what you do with them in your own creative capacity that counts.


Great article so far, Janus. Am staying tuned for the rest.



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It's interesting but I just want to say this -- remember how the old Nuva were all uniformed and looked the same? Well, Lego did change that, but at least they gave back a "standard" color scheme. Gray/silver with their primary color.

Also, Kopaka doesn't have a butterknife. He has a bayonet and if I'm flying at 70-150 mph, I don't want to be dealing with carrying five things in my hands. I can fire light and ice out of one thing and I can fight hand to hand with it. Don't think a bayonet is useful? Watch a war movie and you'll see the psychological effect of it.

Oh, the color scheme is a bit wacky with Kopaka and I'll have to agree with you that they could be better.

Kopaka's fine but give him a bit more white and replace his torso and upper limb armor with silver... Lewa could do with his original colors but I could stand Metru Green and lime with silver armor. Pohatu just needs a silver breastplate and he's good to go.


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