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Quite Refreshing!

Lady Kopaka


Oh yeah, I’m back.


It was a very tiring trip having to travel all down through Alabama and across Mississippi to get to Louisiana(lol los angeles?). Going down was the annoying part, with me having to sit in the back with my brothers, but going back home was a lot easier. I got Bionicle Legends #10 and a bunch of other stuff to keep me happy. :)


…But I got to see my friends and all the church folk at a swimming party! I had a fun time, though I lack sleep and my brain is all confuzzled and melted. The trip overall was very refreshing and something I defiantly needed before starting school tomorrow. Yes. School tomorrow. Boo.


And I was going to add Chapter 2 for my story Glitch in the System tonight, but it needs grammar editing and stuff, which I need a clear head for. So updates come tomorrow if I don’t get too busy!


Yes UK, I am purposely dragging out the update just to annoy you. xD


The movie Master and Commander calls my attention; dad wants to watch it with me. So I depart!


Oh speaking of movies, Batman was awesomely insane.


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Sounds like, you had fun. ^^


Darn, I was looking forward to your next entry to your epic. Oh well, sorry about school tomorrow, I start next month.




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Master and Commander was a pretty good movie.


And yes, Dark Knight was awesomely insane.


Good to see old friends again, isn't it? Ironic, my great-grandfather ran into some old friends from church my age at a store the other day. Haven't seen them in a few years, wish I was there.


Man, I gotta get stuff straightened out to read all these epics. ><

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You amuse me greatly UK.


I really can't wait for the next GitS chapter. The only reason I'm waiting to review is because of my post count. I'm only about two posts away from finally getting my 1000th post. (I'm saving it for my next epic in the Bionicle Legacies series)


If you want, I can PM you my official review or post it in the 'Posted' Entry here in your blog.



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uuuuuurgh... *still need to get off my tush and see some summer movies*


Glad you're back, and hope the new school year goes well for you.

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Sounds like, you had fun. ^^


Darn, I was looking forward to your next entry to your epic. Oh well, sorry about school tomorrow, I start next month.



Actually I've been doings school for most of the summer, I was just hoping I'd get a few extra days off after we came back from our trip. :/



>: (



Master and Commander was a pretty good movie.


And yes, Dark Knight was awesomely insane.

<3 Batman.


And M&C is one of my favorite movies. :)


You amuse me greatly UK.


I really can't wait for the next GitS chapter. The only reason I'm waiting to review is because of my post count. I'm only about two posts away from finally getting my 1000th post. (I'm saving it for my next epic in the Bionicle Legacies series)


If you want, I can PM you my official review or post it in the 'Posted' Entry here in your blog.



Well it doesn't matter, whatever you'd prefer. I would like to see what you had to say, so maybe you can PM me your review, then you can repost it later when you can in the topic. :)

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>: (





At first I thought the titles was Quit Refreshing so I went and pushed F5 as much as I could before I realized it was Quite.

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