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2007 Set Names. . .

Sidorak the Feared


Wow. I come back, and there are the names of the '07 sets on the front page. Wierd.

From the sound of it, we're going to the underwater part of Voya Nui, or some other underwater island. All of the names sound like FISH.


10.99 Euro

8916 Takadox

8917 Kalmah

8918 Carapar

8919 Mantax

8920 Ehlek

8921 Pridak


4.99 Euro

8929 Defilak

8930 Dekar

8931 Thulox

8932 Morak

I mean look at it. . . "Mantax" (Manta), "Ehlek" (Eel), "Carapar" (Carp). Wierd. The odd thing is also the prices. According to a fellow BZP'er in the talkback, the 10.99 Euro ones would cost $14 here in the US! That's four dollars more than normal!

My guess is that they are so far from clones, they have more pieces/more expensive features, raising the price.

If I did my math right, the usual four dollar ones would be around $6.50! That's two bucks and fifty cents more than normal.

Gah! I'm going to go crazy pretty soon.




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No! It can't be! $14!?! That's way to much! Especially if the sets only have around fifty pieces. That's 28 cents a piece!


Hmm...I never thought of them sounding like fish. Interesting...




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wow,we`re going to go to marine biological chronicle,interesting......OH MY MOTHER!14 USD?Did you know that just the INIKA cost RM 54.90 at Malaysia??We`re doomed,I tell you,we`re doomed

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