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Why... Hello There



Uh, hey guys. Welcome to my own little corner of the blogoshpere as it is flooded by people just like myself who don't actually have premier membership... I'd say that writing this at 11PM EST would give me some edge from the flow of other blog posts, but it is the summer.



Asides from that, here's what's going on in my life right now:

-getting stuff ready for college


-hanging out with friends

-a little bit of building (maybe I'll toss in some pics at some point on this blog) / that's right, I do still build.



I'll take your questions. ^_^


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A shred of (in)sanity in a sea of chaos. I love you Mike. Will you keep this blog alive?




I've been meaning to fork over some money for a year's worth of membership for a while now but it isn't too high on my list of important things... I really should make that list at some point too... I'll have to write that down.


But yeah, I'm gonna try to keep this thing alive.

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Oh, hello. This seems like a nice change from the other non PM blogs. May I make a suggestion? Please put all the content blocks on one side, it cramps up some people's (mine included) screen when they're on both sides.


Done. I don't have that problem since I'm on a 1680x1050 screen. :P
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You really should get PMShip.


I didn't realize you were going to college already. Good luck with that.


I hope you do post some new MOCs.






Thanks. And I'm working on a couple things, should be entering the unofficial bbc 50 as well...

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This whole blog thing could be a catapult to fame for some of the lesser known MoCists.




No doubt, no doubt.

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