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My History With Bionicle And Bzpower

Sharnak the Bohrok Lord





It all started one day in 2001 (yes, I've been a fan that long). I was young and watched TV... too much. It was a boring day and I decided to pat attention to the commercials! (gasp!) Then I saw one about THE Bionicle. My first thought: Wow... I must have them! All I knew was two things: The name, and they're toys. I didn't know anything about the story line or that there was a storyline! Plus, I didn't know that there where other sets besides toa. I just thought they were other non-bionicle toys. And worse of all, I thought they were robots. Bad fan, huh?




I was stunted when I saw the new bionicle toys, the... new bionicles? That's right, I didn't know what the bohrok were called. All I knew was they were new, and I wanted them just as bad. The rest repeats, but unlike before, where I got them all, I just got a few: "The red one", "the black one", and maybe "the green one". When the Toa Nuva came out all I new came from the commercial: They were the "old ones" and they got new armor and cooler.




Those years changed my life. I was some-what aware of the storyline (thanks the movies), I became aware that there were bigger and more complex sets, and they were not robots.


In early 2005, I got a computer that had the Internet. I went to many sites, including bionicle.com. It was awesome.


In late 2005, some one mentioned a site called "BZPower". I was too quick too judge, looked at it for a split second, then left.




At first I thought the "toa" were cool. Then I discovered they were the bad guys. The villains come out first this time. I. Was. Shocked. I let the comics be my entire source of the storyline info.


Late 2006/Early 2007

In that time I looked up Bionicle on Wikipedia (hint: more info then than today). I then became almost completely aware of the story line.



I decided to give BZP another look. I saw that it was news site and checked it out EVERY DAY. Months later, I discovered that it was a forum site too! I mostly spent my time in the comic section. I licked three comics: Dark709's comics, The Tales of Idiodicy, and Moronicle. When the Toa Mahri came out, I didn't like them, but then grew fond of them.


In November I decided one thing, I was ready to join BZPower. Later I made my own comics. They were great. I spent most of my time there to give it life and tend to it.



I was happy when I got to see more of the BoM. Before then all knew of was The Makuta (or Teridax). I wanted to get them all! Same for the Mistika. I was outraged that the matoran sets cost more. If they had the same nuber of peices of 2001, then they would cost more that the toa/makuta! :lol:



coming soon


Recommended Comments

Your Bionicle history is similar to mine. Except I wound up at McDonald's and got Kongu. But, like you, I only knew about the canister sets until later on. I didn't even know about the Turaga... :P


And as for me, I found out about BZP around the same time as you *coughwikipediacough* but I didn't really check it out until early 2007. Then I tried to join, but lacked an email address. And then I got one, but was too preoccupied with my new email, so by the time I remembered BZP it was October. So I joined. And also, I remember in early 2007, I was so obsessed that I went to Wikipedia and printed a WHOLE ARTICLE on the Barraki. And brought it to school to show all my Bionicle-obsessed friends.


So we have a lot of Bionicle history stuff in common.

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