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My Life, As Of Right Now

Spoony Bard


Right now I am in the process of applying and enrolling into a different college, which happens to be Holyoke Community College in Holyoke, Massachusetts. I will be taking a break from Broadcasting, and be studying Liberal Arts, which is general education. It is much cheaper for me, and it is closer. However I do intend to apply to work at their radio station, or the station at UMass Amherst.


I'm also thinking of what to do this summer. Last year I went to Hong Kong. This year I have no idea of what to do. I will be camping in New York and co-coordinating and Brickfest, but that is pretty much it for my summer.


And yeah. Now I am off to play Final Fantasy IX.




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Broadcasting is basically learning about Radio and TV, as in history, technology, and the basics. In radio, you learn how to work the board, play with a microphone and tape deck and such. I can remember good times going to the Studio late at night just to work on projects. :P


As for TV, it is basically in the area of television. You learn how to work in front and behind the camera. You can also work in the studio room and work the controls there.


It is hard, but realllly fun. :D

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