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And They Wonder Why I'm Cranky Sometimes...

Schizo Kaita


80 reports in under 24 hours? The problem isn't the amount of reports - the problem is that's 80 problems that need fixing or rectifying.


Don't you kids have to go back to school yet? :begging:


(Wow, the first time I've used the emoticon I hate most. A sure sign of stress.)


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We got a couple weeks yet before everyone's back in. September 5th... you can hold out until then, right? :D


Oh, I'll hop on over to Comedies and help you out a bit. May as well. Last thing we need is you dying on us, now.

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Pft. Kids today. All them whippersnappers with their randomness. Toss 'em all in boot camp, I say. Or in your case, keelhaul 'em.
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As opposed to kids getting bored from having nothing to do, who then spend all day online, have nothing to say but still want to post, and then just clog the server so I can't take care of the spam they've left behind?

School = less time to go online = less spam = happy Schizo.

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You'd be surprised -- the spam still continues to a fair degree during the school year, because you have younger kids/homeschooled kids (not to be offensive; some of them have more free time at home, since they don't have to wait up for their classmates to finish up schoolwork, obviously) who will still be able to provide it. I'd say that more of the reason that it seems like there's less spam is because the older members who report it aren't around as much due to school, and thus it doesn't get reported and never gets brought to the attention of the staff unless you guys just happen to stroll by it.


That's my thesis, anyway. :P Of course, the spammers get affected by school as well, but not as much. There's always enough spam to go around in Comedies.

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As opposed to kids getting bored from having nothing to do, who then spend all day online, have nothing to say but still want to post, and then just clog the server so I can't take care of the spam they've left behind?

School = less time to go online = less spam = happy Schizo.

True. True. ;)

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Does the Report thing still have that feature that prevents duplicate posts from being reported? I remember that being a big time saver when it was implemented.

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Nope, it's gone, and I prefer it that way. A dupe report only needs fixing once, not twice. But when a topic needs to be reported a second time... Plus it looks bad for a member when his/her post says 'already reported' when nothing was wrong with it. After all, there's always a few new members who use the report button to reply to a thread...
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Don't you kids have to go back to school yet?

Totally! SS and Epics aren't supposed to get this much junk. I mopped up spam all afternoon yesterday. :drooling:

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