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Lara White


So I'm playing paintball now.


Yeah. I can understand why adrenaline junkies like it...Nothing quite like the feeling of being shot at by 280 foot per second balls of solid pain.


I've firmly decided on my fighting style, just one problem; no one nearby is willing to approach where I'm hiding, 'cause they don't wanna get shot. While I'm firmly established as a "don't want to get shot" person, these people have made it quite clear they don't mind getting shot. Double standard much?




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For now I'm borrowing one of my friends'. I think it's a Spyder. It's a mediocre gun, designed for spray-and-pray.


I'm looking at a Tac-One with Longbow mods, which could cost anywhere from $450 to $765.


Me: $10 + $0 income.


Yeeeeah. :P


And as for the game, it's just a little under average...they spend about thirty seconds stalking each other in the head-high grass, shoot each other up until one is eliminated, wash, rinse, repeat until either we win or it's just me left, then I either come out of hiding or they search for me for five minutes, get fed up, and call it quits, whereupon I come out.



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