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It Burns!

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


T-minus about 4 days to Brickfest


What burns?

Lots of stuff burns!

Let me catalogue that which burned over this past weekend:



I visited my mom over the weekend. Like any mom, she's going to worry about me going to D.C. this weekend. I'm 26 years old and still get this: you high schoolers should get used to that treatment: it won't go away because you're 18.


Actually, as I think about it, coming in on my 10 year reunion (I AM NOT THAT OLD!), I find that I was lucky: There were kids in the class of 1997 whose parents just didn't care. And I can tell you, right now they wish their parents cared back then.

So if mom or dad seems overprotective, be happy that they care. :)


Pitching Arms

I got to watch the Little League team from South Lake Charles beat a team from Missouri 1-0 in 9 innings Friday night. In case you all were wondering, yeah, I'm effectively from Lake Charles. Didn't play Little League, though.


soapy dishwater

Not to say I didn't do the dishes before I left Metairie (I did.), but I also bought a 5" Santoku, a knife especially made for chopping vegetables. No more risking slicing my fingers while scraping onion/garlic off the knife blade!


KIE in a tuxedo :blink:

At least that's what I'm told. Got measured for little brother's wedding in October. Size 36 pants, 43L jacket. I need to lose some weight. :cry:


the Sun

I got to go home to a yard that had not been mowed in two weeks. So, Saturday, I got to mow the yard. Had to dump the grass catcher 25 times (it's a push-mower), instead of what's usually 6 or 7. And keeyaawwhhh it was hot! Good thing I had to stop to empty the grass catcher, because I would've ended up stopping that often anyway.


Fajita skillets

Went to Casa Mañana in Lake Charles for lunch Sunday...first time since Rita. Good to know they're coming back. Shame my fingertips were touching the onions on the skillet so long..ouch.


Asphalt pavement

Specifically, the pavement that runs in front of Giganuva Upsilon's house. Yes, after almost 5 years, I finally meet someone else on BZP. Ironically enough, he lives not too far away from my little brother, whom none of you know.

GN will be presenting a MOC at Brickfest. I don't have the card with me, so I don't have its name. But it's something to see in any case.


My temper

I lost my wallet this morning, but found it at lunch under my bed. Didn't get in until 9 o'clock last night, so everything was scattered when hunting stuff down this morning. Very frustrating to lose that.



While obvious, only Omi knows why this is here. And maybe Schizo, too.


If you all would excuse me, I have stuff I gotta take care of ASAP.





P.S. Congrats, Turakii

P.P.S. Yes, I did edit this: I forgot some stuff yesterday, and then the server decided to be busy whenever I tried to edit it in.


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I know that feeling. My mother still asks me if I've got a handkerchief with me every time I leave the house. Though that's mostly because my brain is leakier than a sieve.
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You don't have to tell me about how much gas burns. When I was a little kid, I wanted to be helpful and pump gas for my mom.


Well, it didn't go so well...and the next thing I know I'm in the emergency room getting my eyes flushed out.

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The Bounty Hunter. That's basically his name as of now, lol.

And dude, thanks for putting things in perspective for me yesterday, lolz.

Oh, and how did something the something onto the something not yet go?


~GN (Y)

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Oh, sorry, didn't know it was a secret! lucky you have Moderator powers, lol


Here's a conundrum, ya math wiz:


if a car leaves from Baton Rouge on Sunday to make it to a flight on Friday, what the heck happened to the four days in between?




~GN (Y)

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It's called "work," GN.

It's what adults who cannot make a living off of eBay do to get money to go to things like BrickFest.




I thought you were taking off this week. my bad.


~GN (Y)



What burns?


A laser

You found out that someone else thinks that your staff photo is a Star Trek stock photo


The sun

...Every time you step into a freakin car around here...


My dog

...Specifically, the fact that she would rather bite me than a total stranger to her...


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You know what else burns? Hot glue. Leaves huge blisters, and they pop grossly. But you probably shouldn't be rubbing them against your teeth in the first place.

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