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Onua Mistika Review



Argh, worst luck- my review topic got closed. Therefore, I shall repost it here. Enjoy!


~Onua Nuva~






READ THIS IF YOU LIVE IN THE UK: Guess what? I've been search for them all the time, and I found a few in my local Lego Shop! So, you may be in luck right now. Go check a shop!

So I was Mistika hunting, and I found them, all for £7.99. I also saw Takanuva, who is huge, but the main this is that the Mistika are now out in my country! Yes! They are probably also out in Ireland, too. They were slow, but at long last the Mistika have come to the UK!


The Canister


Canister Picture (PLEASE NOTE THIS: I HAVE OPENED IT BEFORE I TOOK THE PICTURE) (Don't buy it if the paper looks like that, Onua's probably been mugged.)

The Ignika lid picture


As it's been stated a billion times before, the graphics on these canisters are fantastic. For once, it actually looks almost... 3D... In a way.

The top of the lid is an Ignika, half of it is corrupted and half is shiny and new. Time will tell how much storyline significance this will have, but anyone can guess it's probably just an advertisement thing. :) It still looks good.

The back shows how Onua can team up with Photok, and the other two Toa and three Makuta. It details how you can fire the Nynrah Ghost blaster, and that this year is set in Karda Nui (See the side of it). That's about it... for the canister, at least.


The Pieces


New Pieces picture


The new pieces... pretty cool. However, the red rockets and all are terrible for the colour scheme, though I tend not to notice any more. He has only two pieces exclusive to this set: The Pakari and the Nynrah add on thing. The rest can be found in other sets. Anyway, he's cool- the new armour fits in well with the metru chest plate on the side, it looks like he's muscular and powerful as he is.


The Nynrah Ghost Blaster


Nynrah Ghost Blaster Picture

Add on Pic

Nynrah with the Add on


...Is great. Apply a small ammount of pressure to it, and it shoots away. It is sooooo fun to play with, and the best bit was when I shot my Cat with it :D (No, just joking). It makes a really satisfying 'pop' sound when you trigger the launcher, and the ammo is good looking. In my opinion, these even overtake the Midak Skyblasters.

HOWEVER. One thing bad about Onua, is that the big sheild thing on top of the blaster makes it difficult to fire. Easily gotten rid off, take the add on away. The Nynrah is back to perfection again. Ta Dah!


Come to think of it, the add on is pretty good. It's just in the wrong place. And the laster thing fits on well. But seriously, if you turn the whole thing the other way round... well... I'll get to that later. I'll tell you now that it looks good.




Onua's skeleton pic... sort of.

Finished product picture.


Simple, day to daily build of a Toa... though the top of the arms is slightly different to the average toa, and the thighs have modifications... nothing to interesting. For Maxilos mask haters, the Pakari is not for you. :) . The chest plate fits on well, as I said above, the silver legs and all are quite good for MoCers... but seriously. The legs.


Onua himself, playibility etc...

Onua picture

Photok teams up

Mask of Shadows/Pakari picture.

When you flip the Nynrah around, it looks better. :o

Onua's back


The Legs are too skinny. He should have had some bulky Vahki legs, like Kongu Mahri did. But that's easily modified... Simply replace the legs and turn the Rockets another way round. I, personally, don't give a darn for the legs, though. He just doesn't look like an 'extra strong type' guy, if you know what I mean. It matters not to me.

The Pakari is really cool... in my opinion, of course. Contrary to popular belief, the Pakari isn't really like the Krahkkahn (That's not how you spell it, but I'm not looking it up...)- for proof, see the comparision. Then imagine the mask as red, or something- barely any simularities.

The sheild gets in the way a tiny bit, but mostly it's just fun. In my opinion, it should have been bigger, but it doesn't matter much. The wings a pretty neat, just miniture- then again, some jet planes have those sorts of wings. The great thing about Onua is that any con I can think of has some sort of reason behind it- so it's not pointless. The colour scheme is pretty rubbish, that's the major let down. But hey, who cares... the guy is cool.

Not only that, but he proves himself again in the story- read BL10 for details :) .

One last thing- Photok cannot team up with Onua without breaking his neck. He cannot looks down- not good for his health. Therefore, Photok, there is a hazard of breaking your neck whenever you go with Onua- stay with Pohatu for now. :)




Pros: :D

  • Mask is cool (Some opinions may differ)
  • The Nynrah Ghost Blaster is probably the best launcher
  • The Nynrah attachment is usefull for other things
  • The silver and other things are good for MoCists.
  • The Nynrah, flipped around, looks amazing
Cons: :o
  • Photok attachment is rubbish
  • Colour scheme's a bit dodgy
  • Too Skinny for Onua
All in all, Onua is not as bad as the general public has been led to believe. He's pretty cool, has good MoCing pieces, his mask is amazing and the wings suit him pretty well. Buy him- he's pretty much worth £7.99. He will probably do well in awakening Mata Nui, too. :)


Some other pictures:

Face to Mask with Onua

Onua's got the mask of Shadows on!

The Pakari from the left



Thanks, There is no telling which Mistika I might get next- though it MIGHT be Takanuva :o . Till then, goodbye. :)


-Freeze :flaguk:





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