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Fire Emblem 11!

Turaga Dlakii



This is all that matters in the world of videogames at the moment. :br:


Seriously. I saw an advertisement for it on a certain video site, and it looks to be EPIC WIN. The battle animation quality has improved considerably from the GBA instalments, and given their quality, THAT'S saying something. The horse unit animations appear to have been smoothed over, so their running looks a bit more realistic. And DON'T get me started on the Pegasus Knight animation. :happy:


And now I finally know how the theme Together We Ride was used in Super Smash Bros Melee. You see, that song first showed up (or so I thought) in the seventh (or first English) game, which was made after Melee. Turns out it originated in the first or third game, of which this is a remake. Or something like that. It was used in the ad, at any rate. :happydance:


:smeag: :smeag: :smeag:


And just so all of you know, MARTH IS IN THIS GAME. That's right. Marth is actually in a potential English release.


Apparently, it's set for an August-September 2008 release in Japan. To quote a fansite, "that means early 2009 for the US, and god knows when in Australia and Europe". Which is just great for me. :(


I like the sound of the game. I like the sound of the game A LOT. They'd better hurry up and bring it to Australia...


(And yes, I was aware of the game prior to now. I just saw the trailer, and I HAD to rave about that thing of joy. :) )


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