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Busy Day So Far



So as for today (so far) I had played Rainbow Six Vegas 2, which is slowly growing on me... I had gone to Barnes 'n Noble and bought the third Ranger's Apprentice book along with this strange Sci-fi clone bookamathing. I enjoy my purchase and still have to read the clone thing book ><


Shortly after that I went to Target, and guess what? They had Gali Mistika and so I bought her, sadly no Gorast. I enjoy Gali, but she reminds me a bit of a bunny with the silver jet fins on her head, and in a way I think her design would have suited Onua more, because Onua is slightly taller and he was always the "hunchback" of the group with his head stationed in the center of his chest. (Gali's head is just lower than it should be IMO) Target sadly carried no TFA figs and I was bummed out about that.


Then I went back to Wal*Mart. They had the one Bitil and a few titans in stock, but I didn't buy any cuz I figured I had already blwon enough money on things for the day. Again no TFA figs ;_;


That was my day so far and I still have other things to do.


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They has Mistika at Target? YAY!


All of them? Not including titans? And I'll definately have em at Target because I live where Target first began. *grimaces at possible mention of true location*

They had every Mistika/Phantoka including all of the Titans in full, including some of the new StarWars Lego things.



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How..exciting? :P


No TFA figs at all! Wow. Good sale. :P


I has a blog! Just thought I'd mention that, you know...


I completely forgot about the member made blogs except for the few that were mentioned to me ><


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Yeah well, it turns out where I live there are no Mistika. My buddy in real life, rock559 went to the target where I go, and there were no Mistika. But the Phantoka's prices were still raised. And it's less creepy when you post instead of editing my posts.


Smeag gave me the idea, and it makes me feel less pitiful for some strange reason I still need to figure out...


Wher I have been the Phantoka were still at $9.00... the Titans and vehicles didn't seem to be raised anyway... Although the Starwars sets are expensive ><


I had no idea you knew rock559 in real life...cool! =D



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The LEGO store has the Phantoka for $7!


Well, only Kopaka and Chirox. And maybe Vamprah. I don't remember.


All ones I don't have ;_; although they are pretty cheap around here ($8-$9)



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$9.00?! Gaah! I wonder if Mutran's price will be raised...


I'm convinced that you must live in a video game somehow... :glare:


Yup. I know rock559. In fact, I went to his house just yesterday. Sadly though, I also know Zhalath X. How he annoys me. In both of the MOCs I've posted, he's framed me for breaking the rules. Man...


I know nobody here on BZP in real life, I just hope that someone shows up to Brickcon when I go for the first time...




And one bad thing with editting (besides that it's kinda creepy in a way) is that no one can tell if their post has been responded to. I have to check all of things I've posted in.


Yeah, but editting has proven to be more fun for me, perhaps I'll switch back to just replying.



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