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My Maths Teacher Is Evil

Turaga Dlakii


Yeah, seriously. But not just because she tries to teach me maths. :P


You see, my school likes to enter the Westpac Mathematics Competition. They like to get people to enter and win stuffs to stick in one of their display cabinets. And they also like strongly suggesting that those in the highest level maths classes enter. And I'm in the highest level maths class. Why, I'll never know.


So, what happened was this: my maths teacher took entry encouragement one step further. She entered everyone in it. WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION. Then she tried to get us to pay up. Most of us did, but then there were those who didn't. Like me. And now I have to enter a competition I didn't want to enter, about my least favourite subject, and I'll be forced to pay for something I never wanted to enter. Does that sound fair?


Here's something worse: I have a friend (who happens to be a girl) who's in both my Japanese and Maths classes (not to mention English and History.... :o). She went to Japan for all of last term and a couple of days of this term. She obviously didn't hear ANYTHING about the competition. Guess what? She's been entered in it, too, and she probably still has no idea. And the competition is this Thursday. That is certainly not fair.


Seriously, my maths teacher is evil. Fortunately, she's hitchhiking around Italy this term. :lol:


Recommended Comments

Technically, I'm sure you Could take it up with the principle if you wanted to since the school ( If it's a public school ) can't make you join, or pay for that matter, anything.


Thats harsh though, I hate Math as well... ( I've had my own share of issues my freshman year last year. )





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