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Happy Day



Today is a good day for me.

First of all, I finished one of my summer homework assignments yesterday. And the even better part is that I can get extra credit by mailing it in to him before August 10. Yippee! :)

Secondly, I got Gorast today! I went to K-mart first, hoping to get her for the reduced price like in the recent news article. But the shelves were still full of Phantoka. At last I found some Mistika on the very top shelf, behind some Star Wars sets. But they only had Gali and Bitil. Blargh. So instead I went to Toys R Us and found her quite easily there. But for that one, single canister set, the price came to price of $14.11, with tax. <_< Oh, well.

Now I'm going to go play with her some more, but expect a review up tonight. :D


Recommended Comments

Yay! Someone had a happy day! So what didja think of Gorast?


I like Gorast quite a bit. She's unique, has a non-cookie-cutter build, and cool pieces. PLus, she's green and black! (I like green, so that's always bonus points in my eye). Only downside is that there aren't that many pieces and the build, while unique, is not very exciting. And that grey torso. Couldn't they have just made it black instead?



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