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Eye Can See!



Well, as most of you know, I was gone July 7th through July 11th. I was at Lakewood Park Bible Camp in Devils Lake, ND, and it was awesome. Something else you may or may not know is that I have an eye problem. My right eye is 20/80 and my left eye is 20/100, and I've had contacts/glasses for almost 5 years. In that time, I've prayed for the healing of my eyes several times since then, but nothing had ever happened. In fact, my eyes were growing steadily worse. However, when that camp started (on Monday), I felt compelled (best word I could think of to keep religion out of this blog entry) to get serious in my prayers, and I did. Wednesday morning (two days later), I woke up and left the cabin I was in to brush my teeth in the bathroom. As I looked down at the ground, I was able to see each individual pebble in the gravel I was walking on. I sighed and thought, Oh great, I left my contacts in overnight. When I checked my eyes though, I found that my contacts weren't in. Everything around me was completely clear, and I wasn't wearing any form of visual aid. When I got home, I told my parents about the experience, and they scheduled an Eye Doctor appointment for me (which took place today). In the three weeks since camp got out, I haven't touched my contacts or my glasses once, I've gone completely without them just fine. Today was the Eye Doctor appointment, and the official word is that my right eye is now 20/30 and my left eye is 20/40!




*hopes this doesn't violate any of BZP's religion protocols*


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Well that's nice. My vision's horrible in my right eye. I was only able to read the third line in the eye chart test. But my left eye balances it out. Glad that you've got better vision now.

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A friend of mine has horrid eyes and has worn glasses since 3rd or 4th grade and has to get her eyes examined twice a year or so just to get up-to-date contacts. It doesn't sound fun.


That is amazing, my eyesight revolves somewhere around where you're at now, and I'm pretty happy with it (when I'm not driving :P).

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Well, what can I say? The Lord is good! :D







Praise God.



Indeed. Definitely, indeed.


I'm going to the DOT tomorrow to renew my drivers license; this time, I won't have the corrective lens restriction! :D



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