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Pluto: A Memorial



Space nuts, science enthusiasts, and just overall geeks were rocked today by the latest news from the science community. In case you haven't heard it yet, Pluto is no longer a planet.


Now now, take your time. It's harsh news for all us geezers who grew up remembering the classic mnemonic device: "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas"... but changes happen everyday. We'll just have to gather our strength and move on. Pluto would've wanted it that way.


For me, this marks the end to so many fond memories. For one, Pluto single-handedly won me the sixth grade science quiz competition. Well, I should say it indirectly won it for me. After taking a 50 question science quiz (I told you, I'm a nerd...it's what we do for fun), the teacher added on two tie-breakers. The first I don't recall, but the second I do.


"Which planet is currently furthest from the sun?"


Catch that? The key word in the question, "currently", got me thinking. Well, I've always known Pluto was last...but wasn't there something about the planets occasionally not being in that order? Then it hit me, on an episode of Beakman's World a few days prior, they had talked about how Neptune's orbit sometimes carries it past Pluto. Which means that the question was most likely a trick.


Well, apparently I was the only one who picked up on it, because I learned that it had come down to that very tiebreaking question. Everybody else has said Pluto (when you don't know, or aren't thinking, you sometimes go with the gut reaction). I don't remember what I won. But I won it. All thanks to Pluto.


But that's just my experience. What of everybody else? Surely now some new mnemonic will be needed to remember the planetary order? Eager mothers the world over can't just serve us 'nine.'


So, I propose the folowing:

"My Vicious Elephant Melvin Jousted Seventy Unique Ninjas"


Sure, it doesn't quite roll off the tounge...but it's very bizarre. And to a kid, who knows. I know I'll probably never forget it. And besides, I was never a fan of notion that mothers would over indulge their kids by giving them nine of anything. That's just poor parenting. This way, kids will remember the planetary order, and hear a story about an exciting battle between good and evil (Though I'm not sure at this point which is which).


Furthermore, to aid in the process of overcoming this incredible loss...I, T-Hybrid, have taken it upon myself to gather up some other well known Plutos. Hopefully, us Pluto fans will be able to look to these figures as a potential replacement for our now Dwarf planet.


Sailor Pluto


Pros: Strong leader, great role model for women, fancy dresser

Cons: May or may not have died


Pluto the Dog


Pros: Good natured, obedient, popular with both men and women

Cons: Unlike fellow canine Goofy...is unable to grasp the concept of pants


Pluto the God


Pros: Omnipotent, all-knowing, immortal

Cons: God of the Underworld (not exactly a good thing)


Pluto Nash


Pros: Features the guy who voiced Donkey

Cons: About as funny as the original Pluto.

So, as you're lying in bed tonight, trying to overcome what is certainly going to be the big news for the next few weeks...remember that though we may have lost one Pluto, there are at least four others watching your back.


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Sailor Pluto
Didn't you hear? She may not have even been a Sailor Scout. :D


I don't know that I was ever told anything to remember the planets' order: I just remembered it. My Very Enraged Mother Just Stopped Unusual Noise. :shrugs:


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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As a person who enjoys space and astronomy, I am very disapointed by this news.


Although it may not be official, I'll probably still consider it to be a planet

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As a person who enjoys space and astronomy, I am very disapointed by this news.


Although it may not be official, I'll probably still consider it to be a planet


same here.

I liked pluto, being all cold and far away.


But they are minor planets now called "Plutons"

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Argh, goodbye, Pluto... we'll bail you out soon, don't worry. ;)


Cons: Unlike fellow canine Goofy...is unable to grasp the concept of pants
Cons: God of the Underworld (not exactly a good thing)
XD again
Pros: Features the guy who voiced Donkey

Cons: About as funny as the original Pluto.

BURNED, and XD, respectively.
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Makaru will not be taking any calls. This startling news has forced him to retire to his chambers where he is no doubt mourning. If anyone knows when the wake will be held, please send us a line.


Yours cordially,

Press Secretary Jimmy


PS. Let us know who to send the cheque to, and we'll have it sent right out.

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Years and years ago, when the Magic School Bus went into space on the TV series, Arnold's cousin Janet insisted that since they were taking a field trip to outer space, she had to take home souvenirs from every planet as proof that she had been there. But when they finally got to Pluto, the Bus was so overloaded with souvenirs that it couldn't take them back to Earth. And when Janet refused to give any of them up, Arnold finally yelled "Proof? I'll give you proof! Here's proof of what will happen if you stay here with your stuff!" (I still remember that exact quote) and then he took of his space helmet and on the surface of Pluto he... froze!


Hath Arnold frozen in vain?!

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*feels uber late on his regrets but just noticed this so feels he must* Pluto was always my favorite I especially like sailor pluto and now I dont knwo whats right I mean pluto was my favorite and shall live on in my heart as a planet.



P.S. was it odd that futurama just happened to show the only pluto episode that night at first it could have been adult swim having fun but being the geek I am I wikipedia'd it and realized that its was the order the shows go in naturally coincedence I think not Adult Swim clearly forced pluto out of planetship prabably blackmail.

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