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Crouching Llama, Hidden Emu



Word got out at my high school that I can do the entire Napolean Dynamite dance. Not that I care for Napolean Dynamite anyway - I neither love it nore hate it.

The point is, someone asked me to. So I told 'em I would, figuring "What the hey". I did it at lunch on Tuesday, right outside the cafeteria. I had my eyes closed the entire time, to mimic Napolean's squinting face. The whole time all I heard was "Bah, this foo's crazy! Dis foo's cold!!" in the familiar verbiage of an average American teenager. When I opened my eyes to run off, I didn't notice the crowd that had gathered. All of you who go to public school, you understand - when there's a fight, everyone who's aware runs to watch it, then everyone who sees people running follows them. My friend told me afterward it was the same exact way.

So I gathered a bit of publicity as it were and several people asked me to do it again, which I declined every time. I realized it would just get old fast and be one of those things that was funny the first time. That is, until someone offered me 10 dollars if I would let them videotape me doing it in the cafeteria. In the wise words of Napolean himself, "Heck yes!".

So that's what I'm doing tomorrow.



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Heheh, same exact thing happened to me just about, except I can do that thing where you switch your knees REALLY fast. I just didn't get paid money or videotaped... Of course, I can do other dances too..



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No feat amounts to this kid I met who could do the entire Irish dance. If you don't know what that is.. trust me. That.. just.. oofo. o_O

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BAD NEWS: Kid with money and camera was nowhere to be found. Therefore, me with dancing was nowhere to be found. And I was not in the mood to dance for free, this being my first long day of the school year. But I did have a rockyachtin' time playing spooonsorks during the time I would've been dancing.

Due to everyone's disappointment, I will do it sometime next week. I'll see if one of my friends can videotape it so I can somehow show you guys.

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