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Some People...



Some people I just want to smack because they're just about as polite as a 6 month-old. Not even that polite! D:


Last night, we were at our church service, My Best friend & I were talking and thought it'd be fun to all walk to Dairy Queen (It's only like 2-3 blocks away from our church) We were going to go together, and then some of my brothers too, and 2 of our other really good friends (They're boys, but still great friends) We would each pay for our own icecream and just go for fun and stuff.


So, after the church service we are quietly talking about it amongst ourselves (My family, My friend, & our two other friends) When the kids who is completely annoying walks up. (He's 14 & in 5th grade, and he goes home & tells his parents all sorts of lies about us, and his parent's believe him and things and ugh. Yeah, it's nasty.--Oh, and yes LUKOS, He is the "Weird Kid") He comes up and invites himself to come, Saying "Hey Tek (My big brother) How about you buy for me." Tek simply responded, "No, sorry, I'm only paying for my brothers & sisters, and they're all pitching in to cover the cost..." So he walks away pouting and then goes and begs his mom for 5 bucks. She gives it to him. We all leave hoping that he's decided not to come, so we're like halfway there & he comes running up saying "Guys, don't worry I got money I'm coming!!" (UGH) We're all like, "Great...ugh.." so we get there, and we all like get SMALL stuff like Cones, & small blizzards, some of us even only got a drink, and he buys a LARGE Blizzard (They are HUGE) and he eats it all (And it gets all over him and stuff...) so he finishes it, and then starts saying things like "Awww man I only have 26 cents left!" and he keeps pouting over & over. So he says even louder, "I ONLY HAVE 26 CENTS LEFT, TEK SHOULD BUY ME SOMETHING". He says it over and over again, about 4-5 times, and Tek keeps responding, "No, you had more than all of us, if I'm going to buy anything for anyone, it won't be you because you had the biggest most expensive icecream out of all of us." Tek keeps responding that way, and then my parent's drive in to pick up my family. My parent's decide to grab some icecream for themselves & my little sister before they pick us up & leave. He stands up and says, "I'm gonna go see if they'll buy me something" Anyways, my parent's finish their icecream and we all get ready to leave. They won't give the creep a ride home (He walked, and didn't ask his parent's to pick him up) because the last time we gave him a ride home from somewhere (Because we were leaving and no one else was there so my parent's offered to give him a ride and he took them up on it) he went home and told his parent's that we kicked him out. So he walks home, pouting all the way home.


TALK ABOUT RUDE. He ruins everything like that. >.< Erghhhh.


That's not the only thing that's wrong with him, I don't go over to their house any more (He has a sister and she's nice, she thinks her brother is a creep) because he tries to hide in closets & bathrooms to watch us change and things, and it's just nasty. And he never gets in trouble for it. When we tell him to get out he yells "YOU ALL JUST HATE ME" and runs off crying.


UGH. Lukos knows more stories. If I type them all out I'm gonna be soooo angry. >.<




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Wow that guy is messed up. Hiding in closets? That's just... O___o


I would like to meet him some day. I'd have a few, let's say, choice words for him.

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you must have the patience of those guys that make giant zen gardens to have not punched him in the face by now.... congratz on the self control!

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Do what I do.


Strike fear into their hearts.


Seriously. Up until the 5th grade, I had a mean streak of being the school bully. Any reunions from the past of those that I used to beat up I help them out by the two of us talking on how bad I used to beat them. The little annoyances that follow them don't so much as speak or look me in the eye.


Though you are a girl... hmm...


Slap him. Slap him hard.



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Wow, major props on patience ;)


I would probably go crazy with that kid, and that closet thing is just plain wrong ><


Sorry, Sunny...



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Oh geez, this reminds me of this one 12-year old at a camp overseas with manners of a 6-year-old bugging us over and over again with unnecessary comments and complaints and taking advantage over older people. When we tell her to shut up and act her age, she goes all emo and cries in the corner. Of course, it soon led to her attempt at committing suicide in front of her roommate, causing all the ghetto drama with the camp supervisor to finally call the mom from America to come over and put some sense into the child.


Drama queens, they'll turn out to be.



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Haha I know how you feel with weird stalker kids who follow you around.

At school there is this one kid and he always comes to hang out with my friends and I at lunch and pretend like we are his friend even though we tell him how much we hate him, ask him to stop bothering us, and get him in trouble. And then he starts insulting us and we're like, "wtheck!111 if you don't like us then leave" but he still sticks around. Anyhow so we make a plan where we hang out in the school library and then get him kicked out by planting the book Brokeback Mountain in his backpack so it looks like he stole it. Yeah so we got him kicked out and we were free of him for the rest of the year.


SO my point is, get your parents to hate him somehow so they stop him from being near you and they talk to his parents about it. Or tie him up and paint his nails or stain his shirt with lipstick so he gets mad and runs away for good.

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You guys are terrible. Sure the kid is annoying, but you don't beat the snot out of him for it.

He's a freaking perv. That's reason enough. =/

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He's 14 & in 5th grade,

wait,wait,wait... explain?


and yes anyone who is 14 and doing things like that deserves to be beat up cause at that age they should know better.



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You guys are terrible. Sure the kid is annoying, but you don't beat the snot out of him for it.

He's a freaking perv. That's reason enough. =/


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There's a kid on my street sort of like that. I've never been inside his house, but from what I've seen that's probably what he'd do.

You could hang out with his sister somewhere more creep-less. :^(


MB has spoken

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Get a tape recorder or a video camera and catch him in the act. Make copies. Send him one using mail, and enclose a threatening note. If he still continues, send it to everyone who has authority over him (teachers, parents, policemen, etc).


Or you could just scream out loud in public and accuse him of a hate crime.

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